Status: Currently being written

Fighting for Life

Chapter 3

It had been a week since Blitzwing was accepted into our ranks. It was odd having him around. Every time I turned a corner he seemed to be there. Mirage still hadn't had any activity since the last one. I didn't think it would be possible to physically hurt from this. I didn't know I could hurt so much from missing someone so much.

I was getting stressed out too. I didn't know what to do with myself anymore. Ironhide's training just wasn't doing it for me anymore. I needed to get out of here for a bit. So when I saw Graham I took the opportunity to ask him. "Hey Graham!" I yelled as I ran up to him. He looked back at me and he smiled.

"Carolyn. How are you doing?" He asked.

My chest throbbed. "Uh, fine. I was just wondering, well I wanted to ask if I could like, you know, leave."

"Leave? To go where?"

"Well, it's getting colder out, so I was hoping the store. Get some clothes and such."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well I would do it, but I'm actually kind of busy." He must have seen my face fall because he quickly said, "let me just ask Lennox." He said as he rushed away.

I stood there and looked around for a bit. I heard the sound of footsteps and I saw Bumblebee make his way toward me. "Hi Bee." I grinned up at him. He waved sweetly.

"What are you doing?" He asked me.

"Waiting to see if I could leave. I need to go to the store."

He nodded and looked like he was going to say something until Graham came running back towards me.

"Lennox said it would be fine, but you'll have to take an Autobot with you."

The sound of shifting metal filled my ears and a yellow and black Camaro sat next to me.

"Well, I guess Bee is taking me."

"Be safe."

I just rolled my eyes at him and hopped into Bee.

Bee swerved into the parking lot and skidded to a stop in a spot. I laughed as I got out and felt the chill of the air press against me, making me hold myself to keep warm. "Alright Bee, I'll be right back." I didn't get a chance to make a step before Bee's holoform appeared in front of me. "Bee, you don't have to come."

"Primes orders, besides, when Mirage wakes up he'll kick my aft if he knew I didn't protect you."

There's the throbbing again. "Okay, but don't complain about being bored."

As we walked into the store, I felt eyes on me. They weren't Bee's, and I felt goose bumps rise on my arms. Something wasn't right. Or maybe I was just imagining things.

As we walked around the racks of clothes, Bee gave me suggestions and said I looked really good in light green and purple. I never knew Bee knew anything about clothes. I had an armful of clothes and I went to go try them on in the changing room. "Just wait out here Bee, I need to try these on." He nodded and shoved his hands in his jean pockets.

I took a breather as I stepped into the fitting room. I went to unbutton my pants when a loud explosion stopped me. I stood there frozen. Then another blast, so close that it broke apart the walls and they fell toward me. I wanted to push them away, but I wasn't quick enough, and darkness shrouded my vision.

"It's been hours, where is she?" Blitzwing asked Optimus. Optimus just looked at him, a strange look about his eyes.

"Do you have feelings for Carolyn?" He asked.

"Feelings for a human?" "And people think I'm crazy."

Suddenly a crackle sounded on their comm link. It was Bee.

"Prime! We have a problem!"


"Someone is attacking me, Carolyn is nowhere to be found. I think they took her. I'm getting my aft kicked out here!"

"We're sending backup right now, hold on."

"That sore excuse for a soldier! I'll show him what for! I'll fragging destroy them!" Blitzwing shouted as he began to stride toward the exit.

"Blitzwing, calm down. Don't let anger take over your actions." He looked toward everyone else. "We need some soldiers with us on this. Autobots, roll out."