Status: Currently being written

Fighting for Life

Chapter 4

I couldn't see anything. My eyes were open, I knew that. The ground was hard and cold as I felt around for where I was. Last thing I remembered was going into the fitting room, but that's it. Where was Bee? Where was I? I slowly crawled forward, feeling for any possible things that might be in my path. Nothing, except for long, cold bars. They were all around me. I was in a freaking cage!
I tried looking past it, but I couldn't see a thing. I tried my voice. Which was only a small squeak. My throat was so dry and I coughed slightly when I tried to use it. I felt completely lost…

Blitzwing's POV

I glared at him, just sat there and glared hoping he would burst into flames so I wouldn't have to do it myself. What a moron, how could he not protect a simple human? It wasn't that hard. Bee was sulking, good.

"So hold up. Humans attacked you?" Ironhide spoke out.

"Yes! Just like Carolyn's sister did! They had the armored suits and cannons. I didn't know what to do."

"You destroy them!" I yelled out. Optimus looked at me. I hated it. That look. It wasn't quite like Megatrons, it wasn't frightening, but it was still strong. I looked away and cycled air through my vents in a huff.

"Do you have any idea where they went?" Prime asked. Bee just shook his head.

"Are you serious? No leads? At all? How in the pit are we supposed to find Carolyn!?" I blurted out. I don't know why it effected my so much, but knowing she was in danger, I couldn't handle it. Ugh I was turning into all the human loving Autobots around here.

"We might have a lead. There was someone who was injured that they had left behind. We could try and talk to him, see if he'll give us some information."

"And if he doesn't talk we'll make him talk." "HAHHAHAH" I shook my head. God I hated that. It made me dizzy.

"Blitzwing we don't hurt humans!" Bee spoke out, then looked like he regretted it when I shot a glare at him. He shrunk away from me.

"He's right." Optimus spoke out.

"Then what if he doesn't give us the information?"

"We'll figure that out later."

Carolyns POV

It was getting colder. Maybe it was getting later? How long have I been here? I just sat in a corner for what seemed like ages. Then I heard a groaning sound and the screeching of metal. A light appeared from what seemed like a door and a lone, human figure stood in the way. The thud of the persons boots hit my ear as they walked toward me. Broad shouldered and he seemed huge. I quickly back away and shielded my eyes from the light.

"Carolyn Fletcher. Robot sympathizer, powerful telekinetic, and sister of Shelby Fletcher."

My ears pricked up by the information he was providing. How did he know so much about me?

"Who are you?" I asked him, my voice only coming out as a whisper. Something was thrown at me. I felt it, it was cold and plastic. A water bottle.

"My name is Silas, and I have a proposition for you."