Status: Currently being written

Fighting for Life

Chapter 7

The days seemed to blur together and Silas continuously visited me every day. For such a busy looking man trying to stop the Autobots and such, he didn't act like it. I received food and water once a day; always brought in by someone different. Probably so I don't grow familiar with anyone. With all the darkness I have experienced it seemed like an eternity that I was trapped in there.

Silas came in once again, still trying to persuade me and as I looked at his face I wondered if the Autobots were even trying to find me anymore. Silas's eyes were hard and different than they normally were, an evil glint was there. I heard two more pairs of feet begin marching toward my enclosure and the distinct click of a lock.

"I've tried to be nice, but play time is over." Silas growled as he grabbed me by my arm and yanked me out of the cage.

"Ow, what the hell?!" I screamed at him. Then a sharp pain to the side of my face. He had hit me! Then the warm pulsing feeling went through me and I just let it go. I let the energy go and I felt the presence of Silas disappear from around me. I took a breather and realized that this whole power thing was getting easier. I took a tentative step in what I hoped was the right way and then I began to stumble through the dark. I didn't get very far before I felt a big strong hand grasp my arm in a tight, bruising hold.

I gasped and tried my best to pull away, and when that failed I tried to force a push onto him. I didn't get the time to do that before I felt a sharp and painful shock to my side and my body crumpled to the ground.

"So unwise." Silas growled as I began to lose consciousness.

Ratchet was running more tests as fast as his processors were allowing him to do. Just moments ago he had heard Mirage speak. He distinctly heard him say Carolyn's name. So he alerted Optimus immediately and went to work. Everything seemed to be normal. Not coma normal, but normal functioning. His energon waves were back to normal and his processors were once again working at full speed. It was as if Mirage was okay and walking around, but he still laid there in stasis.

"Mirage you bucket of bolts get up!" Ratchet growled at him. When nothing happened he through his arms up in the air is defeat. He had no idea what was going on with one of his patients and that pissed him off beyond belief.

Just then Optimus walked into the med bay and looked at Ratchet rather amused. "So what's the diagnosis doctor?"

"I have no clue Optimus! It's like he was before. All his vitals are fine but he still sleeps. He spoke Carolyn's name."

Optimus grumbled in thought as he walked toward Mirage. Ratchet saw the mech lean down and he heard him speak to Mirage. "Carolyn isn't here. She has been taken. You need to wake up and help us find and rescue her." Optimus grumbled to him.

"Now how in the pit is that supposed to help?"

"I've read that some humans talk to their loved ones when in comas. It sometimes helps them come around."

The moment his words rung out he heard a quick cycle of air and suddenly Mirage was up stumbling off of the table and crashed onto the floor the whole time yelling in the process.

"Mirage stop! You might hurt yourself further!" Ratchet yelled as he went to help the mech back on the table. Once Mirage was sitting he looked right at Optimus. Mirage's blue eyes shone with fury as he looked at the older mech.

"What do you mean she is gone?!" He yelled and Optimus saw Ratchet smile slightly.