Status: Currently being written

Fighting for Life

Chapter 9

The med bay was at a standstill. The brightness of the lights seemed dimmer and the walls seemed bleaker. Before anybody was able to do anything Mirage jumped up and ran out of the doors. The sound of metal shifting rang in the air and Optimus had to hold Ratchet back from chasing after him.

"Easy old friend. He needs a moment to himself. This must be hard for him. We all know how much he cares for her."

The screeching of tires and flashes of red were all the soldiers were able to see before they were able to quickly jump out of the way. Mirage heard many shouts and curses but he had a destination and a mission. He was on his way to the control room where he would hopefully be able to find the liaison. He had to figure out the progress; had to figure out what was being done to find Carolyn.

While turning a corner he felt something scratch him and a female shout out for him to stop. His tires screeched to a halt and he transformed looking down, fuming. There stood a woman with ash blonde hair and fiery silver eyes that were currently storming with rage.

"Mirage will you slow the hell down! We have people here who are not made of metal!" Then she stopped and seemed to catch herself. Her eyes shone with a new emotion. "Oh my gosh! Mirage you're okay!" She gasped suddenly.

Mirage really didn't say anything he just looked down at her. He had recognized her from the base. He knew her name was Caliene, but other than that he knew nothing of this human female and frankly he didn't care at the moment.

"Yes I'm fine. I have to go. Do you know where the liaison is?" Mirage asked her in sudden desperation.

"Well she's kind of busy at the moment."

"Busy with what? Nothing is more important than me needing to talk to her."

Caliene seemed to mull something over in her mind. Her hands working together as she tried to decide on whether or not to say something.

"This is about Carolyn isn't it?" She finally spoke. Mirage's whole body seemed to take on a new form of attitude. More urgent and demanding.

"Yes. Do you know what is going on? I wake up from stasis and she is gone! Optimus has no idea where she is and cosi arrabbiato e andando fuori di testa e io non so che cosa fare!" Mirage finished breathlessly.

Caliene nodded in understanding and put up her hands in defense. "I know Mirage but I don't know anything. Optimus and Blitzwing went to interro-"

"Blitzwing? What do you mean Blitzwing? He's here?" Mirage interrupted.

"Yea, Optimus kind of let him in. He's good, but he still has that Decepticon anger." She trailed off as Mirage just simply walked away from her.

His steps were urgent and filled with purpose as he made it through the doors of the control room. All the soldiers stopped to stare at him as if he had grown two heads. Normally only Optimus was the one in there for one. For two they had known that he was in a coma like state.

Lennox walked up to the red bot and stared up at him with a smile. "Mirage I'm so happy to see that you're okay. What's up man? I never heard that you got up and walking."

"Lennox." Mirage spoke as he leaned down to his level. "Where is Carolyn? I know she was taken. I want to know what is being done to find her."

Lennox's face seemed to light up slightly and motioned Mirage to follow him with the wave of his hand. The control room seemed to be in a frenzy and people ran around shouting different codes at each other. "We currently had a huge spike of an energon signal about two hundred miles from here. Whether or not it's Carolyn or a Cybertronian we don't know, but it's still something we need to investigate. I'll let Optimus know right away, we'll get a team together." Lennox stepped forward and placed a hand to Mirage's shoulder. "We will find her. She's too important to all of us for us to just forget about her."

"I don't know! They could be anywhere right now! They could be looking for me, and when they find you they will not hesitate to destroy what you have here." I shouted to him. My body screamed at me because of the shock I had received and the need to run was strong. But I couldn't my arms being bound tightly like they were proved I couldn't get out.

I heard Silas laugh at me, and evil, menacing thing; like nails on a chalkboard. "You think they care about you? One simple human? Just because you can move stuff with your mind doesn't mean you're special to them. They are stronger than anything on this planet, they don't need someone to move objects for them that they can easily move themselves. You would've just turned out to be an experiment anyway." Silas stepped closer to me. I felt rage at such accusations. I knew they weren't true. They couldn't be. The Primes selected me to carry something out and I was going to do that. But where were the Primes and their ultimate wisdom now?

Before I had a chance to reacted I felt the blade on the skin of my shoulder. Silas had cut the black long sleeved shirt I was wearing. I normally wore longer sleeves or higher necks when I went out in public so I wouldn't have to answer any questions about my tattoos. But when Silas had ripped it open I saw his eyes draw to the purple her saw on my pale skin.

"Never took you for the tattooed type. What's that mean anyway?"

I sneered at him. "Oh now you want to make small talk." That ended with a back hand to the face.

"Watch your tone girl. I asked a question." He shouted at me.

"It's Japanese for faith." I lied easily.

"Faith." He scoffed. "Faith in what? No one is going to save you.