Status: whenever i can :D

Falling for You Again

Surprise Visit

I hadn't seen Matt since the wedding but it was only 5 days ago. I was in the shower when I heard the door bell go. No one had visited me in the new house yet so I was a bit taken by surprise. I wrapped the towel around me and ran down the stairs. I stuck my eye through the peep hole to see Matt standing on the other side with some flowers. I opened the door slightly
"can I help you?" I said letting him come in and he kissed me on the cheek.
"just thought I would see the place and bring you some flowers" he said smirking as he saw I had wet hair and was only in a towel "interrupting something?" He said.
"no just finished actually" I said jogging upstairs.
"ahh that's a shame" he said.
"do me a favour put them in a vase and water" I shouted down and he replied back with a yes.
I put on my jeans, a white tank top with a red chequered shirt on over the top and left my hair down to dry. I walked into the kitchen to see Matt finishing with the flowers as he put them by the window.
“thank you” I said getting two mugs out of the cupboard “tea?” I asked.
“go on then” he said taking a seat at the breakfast bar. “nice place you got here” he said taking in the new surroundings. I gave him his tea and sat opposite him
“yeah, nice medium sized cottage in the countryside, what could go wrong” I said and sipped my tea.
“so why are you here apart from looking at my lovely house” I said raising an eyebrow making him chuckle.
“well I was with James the other day and he kept pestering me about this lady called Sky”
“mmhmm” I said resting my chin on my hand.
“and I have to pick him up today so he can stay over the weekend at mine”
“yeahhh” I said knowing where this was going.
“and wondered if you would like to spend the day with us?”
“of course I would” I said grabbing his hand “let me go get my bag and stuff and then we can go” I said jumping off the chair and running upstairs.
Matt drove us to Danie’s house which quite frankly I was nervous about and Matt made me come up to the door with him so Danie knew I was here.
Danie opened the door and I swear she had a face like stone.
“skylar?” she said coldly.
“hi” I said half waving. Before anything else could happen James came running out into Matt’s arms and he picked him up
“hey little man guess who I brought with me?” Matt said to James as he put him down.
James turned around to face me and waved enthusiasticly at me “hi sky!” he said.
I bent down so I was at his level “hi james”.
James ran past me towards the car and I said “do you want me to put him in the car?” to Matt.
“yes please” he replied whilst grabbing James’s bags off Danie.
I successfully got him in the car as Matt came around with the bags.
“ready?” I asked as he shut the boot.
“Ready.” He replied.