An Angel With No Wings

An Angel With No Wings ~ Prologue


"Annie! Annie, come on!" Her mother yelled from the car.

"I'm coming mom!" Annie yelled back. She grabbed a bag a sandwiches and water bottles from the refrigerator and ran out the door, locking it behind her. She hopped in the front seat.

"Do you have everything you need?" Her mother asked. Annie adjusted her book bag on her lap.


Every day before school, Annie and her mother drops off food at the shelter to the homeless. Today, it was sandwiches Annie had made herself early in the morning. She claimed that fresh food tasted better, and that the people will be unlikely to fall ill. When they arrived, the mother and daughter entered the shelter and signed in. A woman came up to them and took them to the cafeteria.

"It's very nice of you to drop off fresh food and water. Nobody really donates too much here anymore."

"No problem. We are glad we can help out."

When leaving out the door, most of the people had already awaken.

"Hi, Annie!"

"How's it going, Clair?"

"Thank you!"

Annie felt happy that she was helping so many people who had needed it. It was a shame that the shelter had so many people in it. Annie's smile faltered for a minute. Some of these people won't even be here very long. A lot of them were sick and looked close to-

"Annie, let's go! Time for school!" Her mother called. Giving her last good byes to everyone, she followed her mother out of the door and into the car. Then they drove off.

Annie loved school. She loved to learn, to read and write, and enjoyed sharing her knowledge to others. So when her school came into view, she quickly unbuckled her seat belt. Her mother smiled at her daughter's enthusiasm. She pulled up to the front of the school. Annie got out and waved to her mother.

"Bye, mom!"

"I'll see you later honey. I love you."

"I love you, too!" Then her mom left. Annie ran to school, heading towards her home room before the bell rang. It would be a shame if she were late!

Then Annie was hit by a car.