Life Isn't Easier Because You're a Hockey Player

Life Is Just A Story

Sometimes I wish I was old enough the August of 1985, to be there when Shea was born. I wish I could have spent my entire life with him. Unfortunately I wasn't.

If someone would've told me back in 1999, I would be meeting not only the love of my life but the fantastic hockey player, Shea Weber, I would've kicked them in the face and sure as fuck wouldn't have believed them. Now that this is my life, it seems so surreal. Some days I can't even realize that it's the life I have now but all of this didn't form itself in one day.

It all started back in 1999, in the beautiful town called Sicamous in British Colombia, we met at the school we were both attending. Even back in those days, he was a talented hockey player. He started playing at only six years old. I met him when we were both 14 and I'm glad this was the time I met him, because not only did he grow five inches, the most heartbreaking thing happened to him. His mother was diagnosed with brain cancer and even if it was removed by surgery, I know it killed him. Around the time this terrible thing happened, we started to grow closer and our feelings towards each other grew and blossomed into something a whole lot more than just friendship.

I know at first, he was only kissing me to forget about his mom. At least that's what he always told me and at that time we were both sure that this would end with the surgery, but it didn't. He was my first love and he is still the only one I am in love with.

At first he had trouble with all of it, and I can understand, it was overwelming for me too. He was the first man I ever dated, he is still the only one in that category and considering that we've been happily married for the past four years, it won't change anytime soon.

Our story is not one of those flings that you never care about the other in the relationship. We've been there for each other, through everything that's happened to us. Thick and thin. We stuck by each other.

I remember when he was still played in the Sicamous and District Minor Hockey Association, he was so young and so passionate and the beautiful thing is that he is still that passionate about his sport. I love this part of him so much. I know some people would hate it because it means that he is away from me most of the year but even if I miss him and crave him - same feeling that was way worse when he first started to play for the NHL-, I know that he is doing what makes him happy. I also know that he still has the biggest place in his heart kept safe for me. I know he loves me and I know how much it costs him to stay at the hotel to call me while the rest of the team is partying, but he still does it because we both miss each other so much. At first, he hid me from them, but not anymore. I know it wasn't because he was ashamed, he was just so young and he only wanted to do what
makes him happy, except me that is, and I don't blame him for it.

In a real loving relationship, you need to sacrifice things for the person you love, and I know that we both did. Thats what made us so strong. We never even argued that strong, I know he is the love of my life. My one true love. I am just so happy it happened to be the first man I've ever dated.

I still remember when he was still playing Bantam and switched between playing forward and defence. He was switched to defence because his father thought that this was the best for him if he wanted a professional career in hockey and he was right. In a way, he is the one who gave my husband his chance, but in a way, saying that means my baby didn't work for it. Which is a complete fucking lie. He worked his ass off, every minute of every single day to be the captain of The Predators. I was there through every step to help him and I wouldn't had want it any other way. He achived his biggest goal and I couldn't be more proud and happier.

I remember the pain in his eyes when he went unselected in his WHL Bantam Draft year. I also remember the happiness that swept across his beautiful face when he moved to the junior B team with our hometown Sicamous Eagles of the KIJHL. I was so proud of him that season when he got 42 points in 47 games. It made me the happiest person. If by bad luck, he never got drafted by the NHL, he would still be the person I've ever been the most proud of. He worked so hard and he was rewarded when the team won both the British Columbian Cyclone Taylor KIJHL league championship and the Western Canadian Keystone Cup. I cried with joy when he scored the first game that made his team win 2-1.

I remember my proudness being not quite so high when he had 167 penality minutes in his rookie season with The Rockets. Although, I do love the fact that it's the most penality minutes he ever gotten. I know it is due to me. It brought us to our biggest fight to this day and I hope it's the last one that reaches such high proportions. I simply told him that I didn't want him to fight so much because he had the passion, the
flame and he couldn't just become a brutal player and forget about everything he loves in the game. It just continued to get worse and worse. He left our apartment that day and I was sure he wasn't coming back, which he didn't for a while.

I remember crying my heart out when he got drafted by the NHL and I wasn't there for him. My baby got drafted in 49th position, but The Predators, the team he always wanted to play with, and he wasn't with me. It was supposed to be a happy day but I couldn't be there. I was sure I let him go forever that day. I couldn't bear with the thought. So while he was probably celebrating with his friends and family about his draft, I cutted myself over and over again. I even went as far as writing Shea Weber in my skin.

That night, he was the one who rescued me. He told me he came to see me because he wanted to celebrate it with me but there I was, bloody and messy on the floor, on the verge of dying. He later told me that he brought me to the hospital that night and that nothing else mattered to him anymore. Not our fight, not his draft and certainly not his pride. He told me he stayed with me the entire night and cried his heart out. He couldn't do this anymore, being away from me. It's also one of the reasons why he stopped hiding me. He didn't want to be separated from me anymore.

Of course it wasn't so easy at first, but we pulled trough it. His team stayed with him the entire run and thats what helped him so much, I am so proud of them too, but never as much as I am proud of my lover.

We shared every joyful moment together, from the moment he got signed to the first WHL western conference first all-star team, to the moment he was signed to the Canadian Major Junior second all-star team.

From the fabulous date of September 4th, 2004, when he signed his first contract with The Predators. To the moment he scored his first goal in the NHL during a game against the St-Louis Blues. Also during his 5th season with the team of his dreams, at the Olympic break, he had 35 points in 59 games. He also had a strong leadership role in the team.

Although he never won a trophy for his success, I know he doesn't need to. As far as I am concerned, he is the best, and thats all that matters to us.

I remember the joy we felt when he was named the fifth captain of The Predators. It was the happiest day of our life, after our wedding but by a close line. It may sound stupid to say but his hockey career has taken up so much of our life but I am fine with it being this way. It's his goal, his life and I will always be there to support him.

I even supported him when he was fined for hitting Jannik Hanson from behind. I know he wasn't trying to hurt him, I know he only did it to protect his team, so I wasn't mad that time. No more fights between us. Ever. We both wouldn't be able to support them.

I know he'll win The Stanley Cup one day. I believe in him, but I still have the memory of the day he told the media that I am his husband, to keep me the proudest man ever.