Status: hope you enjoy and srry if my updates take me a bit >.<

Disordered Thoughts

chapter 3

Yuuki pov

The next day just after dawn there was a quite knock on the door to the room lucky for the others Gaara and I had just come back in I answered the door and it was a anbu black op at the door.

"Lady Yuuki Lord Hokage would like to talk with you as soon as you are free" he said and then left before I could answer him. closing the door I stretched my arms with a light yawn merely out of habit, Gaara watched me out the corner of his eyes.

"it seems my dear friend the Hokage wants to speak with me" I said to him with a small smile to him which wasn't returned with a smile but a simple nod to say he heard me. I bit back a sigh and hoped in the shower quickly changing into a blood red corset and black broom skirt my blade on my left hip as I brushed my wet hair quickly. Once I was done I quickly made the siblings breakfast; Then headed out to meet with my old friend.

I got to the office in no time really the guards didn't even bother with me many had known who I was seeing how I was just hear 12 years ago many still are the same from then. I reached the office and I let myself in seeing a aged old man sitting at the desk doing paper work Iruka arguing lightly on how he didn't think a team was ready to go to the chunnin exam when it was already said that they would be attending.

"ah Lady Yuuki how nice to see you again" the Hokage said with a smile, who knew a smile could change a face so old into one so young.

"age as been well to you my friend, and you as well little Iruka how much you've grown since I last saw you being a clown after that day" I said to them with a smile as I sat myself down in the chair infront of the desk; My hair flowing behind me as well as my skirt as if flared out about my feet when I sat down.

"yes it has been good to me but not as it has to you" he said as a small joke between him and I and Iruka seemed a bit lost till his memory caught up.

"Lady Yuuki but you look just the same as you did 12 years ago" he said in slight shock

"yes well a women never tells her secrets when it comes to age" I said with a chuckle and a smirk. He nodded and left after that seeing that he was no longer wanted in the office.

"you left a farliy large mess last night my dear friend" he said as his ageing face showed its age once more as it turned distasteful of my meal.

"you would have as well if you where me my friend being who I am is not easy to contain all the time and besides they were nothing to this world but a small bug." I said to him knowing that we had this conversation many times over in the past almost word for word. I threw my hair over my shoulder with a lightly smile to my old friend.

"Yes well my friends try to keep the numbers down the rest of your stay please" he asked me shaking his head lightly

"I will my friend, I cannot say I am sorry for what I did it's my nature to be a hunter, but the numbers shall stay lower for now on. I had a very long trip in the sun so you can understand how I have told you it becomes hard to control the hunger when I get like that" I said rambling lightly as I went. He nodded to me with a sad smile

"yes my friend I remember now it is good to see you after so many years I hear you have met your friends children what are your thoughts on them" he said with smirk as he leaned back in his chair and I chuckled lightly.

"they were more my children then my friends, but yes I have and they have had it rough and the young Uchiha worries me his heart is dark my poor Itachi did what he wanted but I wish I could just fix it. And if I could have taken Naruto with me I would have maybe he could have helped my prince" I said very lightly the sadness laced my voice. Everyone I help raise and their children become my family so it always pains me to see them like this.

He nodded agreeing with me "I know my friend and I wish I could understand a small amount of your pain but I can't try to" he said sadly to me and waved me closer. I got up from my chair and so did he and he warped his aging arms around me in a tight embrace, allowing me to relax and enjoy his embrace and I gave him one as well and had what felt like years flit off my shoulders. Afterwards we sat back down and got comfortable again.

"Now you said your prince what do you mean about that my dear" he said with a smile

"The Kages youngest son he's like Naruto and I've been trying to keep him safe but I haven't done such a good job and I don't know but I feel close to him. It's not like I feel when I raise them but different and I don't know how to explain it. And I fear that I will do something selfish as time goes on, because I know I can't live without it I know that much my friend" I said as I got up as well to sit on the window my skirt flowing with the light breeze that came in and my hair as well. He is the only one I can fully relax with because I've known him since a child and he's one that I know my heart will hurt when I lose him.

"Is it really so bad to want to be selfish my friend you think of others so much and care for others so much is it really such a bad thing to want to be selfish?" he asked me and I smiled

"Maybe my friend" I said lightly and his grandchild came busting threw yelling things I couldn't hear all too much. I smiled at them talking; I loved getting to see how much his family has grown. I slipped out the window with inhuman stealth I ended up walking around the town to see how much its changed since I was last here and really the leaf is like time stands still here. Nothing has changed here everything is still the same as it was twelve years ago. I ended up at a small training field I saw the leave team from the other day and saw my favorite jonnin he's grown since I last saw him.

"Well well if it isn't the copy cat" I said with a small smile seeing him his students turned to see me on the other side of the small bridge. Sakura huffed and turned away from me and Sasuke simply glared; Though Naruto's reaction was the best pointing at me and yelling "you!" I simply had to laugh at his small banter it was so much like Minato and his mother.

"My lady what a wonderful surprise to see you again, it's been years now" Kakashi said with a smile hidden by his mask. He really should show that face more having him chased would be so much fun.

"Yes it has my dear copy cat still hiding behind that mask of yours. And now you have a team much different from the fifteen year old I knew" I said with a warm smile I got closer and gave the now young man a hug. Which he gave back with a sad smile, we let go and his students are extremely confused by all this. I left after that and I could hear sakura and Naruto yelling at him for answers about me which he didn't answer and turned it to the topic of the chunnin exams.

Not long after I found the siblings practicing well two of the three. Gaara was sitting up in a tree staring off into space glaring at everything he can. Temari and Kankuro to scared to boss him around to get him to train, and even though he doesn't think he needs to he does.

"Hello you three how are you?" I asked walking up my skirt and hair flowing in the breeze.

"Fine Lady Yuuki where were you this morning?"Temari asked me having more balls then her brother when it came to me. Kankuro always stayed scared of me.

"Talking with an old friend nothing to worry about my dear child now some words of advice that your teacher won't tell you three." I started as I sat down on a large rock my skirt flaring around me as my hair fell over my shoulders. The older two came closer to me even though they are scared of me they know that I do have a lot of input.

"The exams will try to confuse you, to weed out many of the weaker teams that only think that they are ready. Genjutsu will be used by a lot of them even the teachers as well, you all remember the simple things of Genjutsu that I taught you correct?" I said to them and they nodded I even got one from my prince.

"Good make sure to stay on your toes; also think outside the box things will be said to trip you up so don't take at face value think things through before you act. I also will be following you three as well but I'm not allowed to do anything that would consider helping you in the exams" I said to them and they nodded, and continued training till noon and we all went to a Korean BBQ to eat lunch I simply watched as they ate.

"Lady Yuuki I know you don't eat human food but can you?" Kankuro asked me his voice laced in curiosity, of course they know I'm not human how can you live with someone your whole life and not question that they don't age a day.

"Only if it is not cooked and only meat. But I don't normally do it seeing how it tends to make some people very uncomfortable" I said with a small smile on my face as he nodded and went back to eating his lunch.

"Yuuki-sama where you ever a ninja or have you learned these things from being a vampire" Temari asked this time, it's funny how they ask things that my prince asked as a child.

"no when I was human I was simply a girl with girl like thoughts and dreams, this was before the ninjas started and everything was still somewhat peaceful, I became a ninja many years later after being bitten though I haven't actually had a status as one for many years, everyone simply calls me Lady much like Lady Tsunade" I said simply; she nodded and everything went quiet again I rubbed my temples lightly. My headache came back lightly from the sunlight and not having my cloak on me. 'The suns gotten worse here since my last visit'. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Gaara giving me a look I'd call it worry but more curiosity. Smiling lightly he went back to his food and silence.

"The sun getting to you my princess" shukaku asked with a smirk laced into his voice.

"Yes my friend it is I forgot something to cover myself with and its hurting my eyes" I admitted to the sand demon as I closed my eyes lightly trying to shield them from the light.

"You could always ask the boy I'm sure he'd love to help" he said once again with a smirk I could hear.

"no my friend now reason to bother the children I am a grown woman I can handle a little sun" I said and he returned to being quiet; though it was nice to talk to someone older than me once in a while though he's not older by much. Once they finished Kankuro and Temari went out to enjoy the village and Gaara stayed close to me as I walked back to the hotel room. He glared at everything that passed by him and thus making himself a path through the crowd.

"Gaara my prince what is the matter you seem more angry than normal" I asked him as my skirt bellowed around my feet as we walked. I got no answer though as we continued walking though my eyes started to hurt more making me curse vampirism more and more every minute. Luckily we got to the hotel and back to the room when I did I sat on the couch and closed my eyes with a light sigh my blade within reaching distance. Gaara set his gourd down by the door and walked to the window sill and stared at the village. It was a while before he said anything in his raspy voice.

"Your head hurts again" he said lightly not looking at me and I sighed lightly I never could get away with anything between him and Shukaku.

"Just lightly I forgot my cloak or a sun umbrella, you remember when I told you the sun can't hurt me but bother me" I said to him with a smile even though I know he didn't see it. He simply nodded and went back to being quiet, I sighed lightly and got up off the couch and warped my arms around Gaara from behind. I rested my chin on his shoulder and leaned against him lightly

"It's nothing my prince all is well with me but how you are my dear you seem in a horrible mood." I asked him and he continued to say nothing so I simply got comfy behind him and just continued to embrace him till the others came back and food was brought with them.

The next day went much like this as well though Gaara seemed in a much better mood as well. Before the siblings knew it the first exam was starting.