Thursday Writing

Turkey Talk

Waddle, waddle
Gobble, gobble

As you can see I am a turkey
Long feathers and a
Big red wattle

But I am not just any turkey
I am a rare breed of turkey
That any hunter would love to have for Thanksgiving
But I am not worried
Because I live in Mexico

Yep. I am a Mexican turkey
A rare turkey indeed
My feathers are multicolored

They call me a Paradise turkey
Because apparently
My ancestors mated
With a Bird of Paradise
And here I am

I frolic through the meadow
Ecstatic that I know I will live though Thanksgiving

(Rustling in the bushes)

What is that?
I see something

AHH! Oh no!
A stupid American hunter jumped the border
And is here to take me home as his prize

I run-sprint-bolt!
Trying to escape the hunter


I see the light…
Oh, it’s the sun.
Wait. I’m alive?!
Then who did the hunter shoot?

Oh, silly hunter…
The gun was supposed to be pointing the other way…
♠ ♠ ♠
Age 16. Thurs 11/23
The last chapters are poems because we did a poetry unit.