Psychotic Love

My dream

My dad was out of town and it was midnight and I couldn’t fall asleep.

I kept flipping on the bed trying to find a good position that will help me sleep but I didn’t find any.

Suddenly I heard noises downstairs, I freaked out!

But I got off the bed quietly and smoothly without any sound.

I went immediately to my mom's room and woke her up.

"Mom! Mom get up there's someone downstairs!" I said in a low freaked out voice.

"What? Are you sure?" she asked looking at me with one open eye.

"YES!!" I screamed in a low voice.


My mom jumped off her bed when she heard that noise. "Sydney get your little brother hurry!!"

I ran to my little brother's room and woke him up.

"Alex? Alex wake up!"

I shook his body to wake him up but you know how little kids are! Hard to wake them up!

"Alex there's no time for playing! There's a man downstairs who will kill us now get your butt up!"

I pulled off his blanket and took him with me by force!

My mom was waiting in the hallway so I went to her and asked "what's the plan?"

"We will wait for him to come up so we can go downstairs and get the hell out of here!"

We hid in a room and waited for him to come up as he did. As soon as he entered my room, me and my mom and my little brother ran downstairs.

We reached downstairs safely but when we tried to open the door to go outside it was locked!!

"What the hell!!!??"

I was trying to open the freaking door but I couldn't.

"Why? Why do you have to make it hard on me?"

I jumped when I heard that and turned around to see a guy with a knife approaching us.

"Stay away!" my mom screamed and pushed me and my little brother behind her to protect us.

"You wanna die first?" he smirked at my mom and approached even closer.

"Mommy.." my little brother said with tears running down his face.

The guy immediately pulled out my little brother and put the knife on his throat.

Me and my mom screamed! But then we heard the window's glass break and there was a guy who jumped in.

My eyes widened when I saw him. It was Jeff the killer!!

"Well this is awkward, two different killers in one house."

I thought to myself, but my thoughts were cut when I heard my little brother screaming and crying louder! I panicked! I didn’t know what to do.

Jeff was with us in the same room, so I ran to him and said "Please! Please! I know who you are and I know you like to kill people"

I took a quick look at my mom and brother then continued

"But can you please save my little brother? Then you can kill me! you can do whatever you want with me, but please don’t let him hurt my family!"

I broke down in tears and fell on my knees crying hard. Jeff walked straight to that guy with his knife out.

The guy threw my brother away but my mom caught him.

Jeff tried to stab him but that guy dodged it and moved aside to avoid it.

Then he cut Jeff's arm which made Jeff angry!

Jeff attacked that guy and pushed him on the wall making him drop his knife.

"How about you, GO TO SLEEP?"

He looked at him angry and then stabbed him in the stomach.

I was happy that my family is safe now!! I ran to Jeff and hugged him tightly saying

"Thank.. you.."

I was crying while hugging him but he didn't hug back, I think he was shocked of my behavior.

"Sydney, get away from him!! SYDNEY!!!!!" my mom screamed.

I realized I was hugging a killer who will probably kill me next! so I pulled back slowly feeling ashamed of myself.

"Sydney, stay away from him! Get here now!" my mom yelled, she was worried and scared of what he might do to me.

I was scared too.

I felt his hand holding my hand strongly, I looked at him scared, then he grabbed my hand and ran towards the window he came from.

He got out first then he pulled out his hand.

I was still in the house, I was hearing my mom screaming "No Sydney, don’t go with him!!"

But what was I suppose to do?! I made a deal with him! I can't just back down now! What if he kills my family if I didn't go!

I looked at my mom and brother who were crying.

I smiled painfully to them with my eyes filled with tears then turned around and held Jeff's hand and got out.

He grabbed my hand strongly and ran to the woods.

His grip was too strong to break.

We kept running deeper into the woods until we stopped!

All what I was thinking about how he is going to kill me which made me scared.

He sat down near a tree resting.

"Oh yes of course, he will rest now to get the energy of killing me and enjoying it" I thought to myself.

He looked at me then said "You can sit down".

I sighed and said "Can't you just kill me already?"

He chuckled, and then said "Why do you wanna die?"

I looked at him confused "Isn't it why you brought me here? To kill me? that’s our deal right? If You save my family, you get me" then I sat down next to him.

"Well yes, you are right, that was our deal" he said, looking into my eyes deeply.

Then he moved his hand close to mine and held it.

I looked down at his hand holding my hand and then at him, I was confused of what's he doing.

"So… you're gonna….. rape me before I die?" I muttered looking at him innocently.

"Wha-" he looked at me with confused look and then burst out laughing.

I thought he was going insane.

"Hahah, you're funny! What's your name?" he said smiling.

"I'm Sydney" I smirked.

"I like your name" He smiled and kept holding my hand.

I was just confused all that time, I didn’t know what he would do to me..

There was a dead silence between us until he spoke.

"Sydney, the only reason you're here with me is because when you hugged me back at your house, I felt something"

I looked up at him with emotions mixed between shock and confusion. Then he continued.

"I've never felt anything like that before, this thing was always missing in me. but when you hugged me, I felt that you brought it back."

He smiled then he laid his head on my shoulder and whispered "Thank you for bringing it back Sydney".

I was touched of what he said, it was sweet.

I kissed his head and said "You're welcome Jeff"

Then, he leaned closer for a kiss, I was getting shy so I blushed.

Then he rubbed my face softly with his hand and said "I…. love.. you.." and then stared into my eyes "Do you love me?".

I smiled gently and whispered "I'll always love you" then he kissed me softly on my lips and I kissed him back.