Status: the more comments the faster i will update

Hopes And Dreams

Chapter 1

Renae POV

"Wake up Bitch!" i woke up to my dad yelling and kicking me in my side.
i quickly sat up and ran to the door to lock it. he is clearly having a bad day. i sat down on my bed for about 10 minutes crying before i got up and walked over to my closet. i took off my tank top revealing a light purple bruise starting to form on my side. i wiped my eyes and pulled out my asking alexandria shirt from my closet.

"Renae get your ass in the car!" i heard my dad screaming from downstairs
"Coming" i replied as i grabbed all my school stuff from my floor and ran downstairs as fast as i could.
The car ride was silent the whole way to school. as soon as we pulled up i got out of the car and walked right up to to the doors of the school and as soon as i walked in the doors i felt eyes on me. Everywhere there were people looking at me, laughing, staring, and judging. i hated this hell hole i call school.

i walked up to my locker and i felt something lightly hit me in the back. i turned around and picked up a scrunched up paper and i opened it to see a drawing of a girl dressed in black with lines all over her wrists and on the top of the paper it read "Go slit your wrists" i quickly threw it in my locker and grabbed the books i needed and went to the baathroom before class started.

I walked into the bathroom that was empty and i lifted up my shirt a little to reveal the bruise my dad gave me this morning when he woke me up.
"Hes not always like this" i thought to myself, hes actually really nice, or used to be anyway. He became a very mean and vicious person when my mom left us for another man."
"Oh shit" i said as i grabbed my bag and ran into the stall, locking it behind me and lifting my legs up
"Renae!" i heard someone a girl call for me, i knew if was a popular girl.
"We know your'e in here and we arnt leaving until you come out bitch!" Another one called.
i stayed quiet.
"Bitch You cant sit in there forever" the same girl yelled out to me.
"Please just leave me alone" i said quietly
After i said that they pushed the door open and grabbed me and the girl with the reddish hair pushed me on the ground and my ipod fellout of my pocket.
The blonde haired girl picked it up and started going through it saying how im a bitch and i listen to emo music. i just layed there and cride until she threw my ipod at me and then one of the other girls kicked me right in the side where my dad kicked me this morning. i felt tears drip down my face as they left the bathroom.
It was about ten minutes until algebra started so i quickly cleaned off my face and put water on it so it looked like i stopped crying.

Finally it was the end of the day and i got to leave this hell!
i quickly put in my headphones and blasted "Hold on Til May" by pierce the veil. It truely was one of my favorites. I always felt like there was nothing wrong in this world of hate surrounding me. I felt free and i felt pretty good when i listend to my music. Especially when i listend to pierce the veil!

I walked home and went right up to my room and went tumblr and i remembered that in just two days pierce the veil would be playing at the venue just a couple blocks away from my house! I can't wait its going to be so much fun! ive been looking forward to this moment my whole life!