Status: Done

City Cry Line


New York is gelid. The frozen rain, the darkened sun, and the ominous clouds create an atmosphere of hostility. The blinding lights, the honking cars, and the wail of police sirens override it in the most unpleasant of ways.

Well, unpleasant for one. The girl sits on her window sill, arms wrapped around herself, wishing they were his. This was their city to share. Now it's just a lonely reminder.

Tear drops come dangerously close to freezing as they slip down her pallid face. Her dreams have turned to dust, and the lack of love in her eyes shows it as she watches the street below.

Those hopelessly oblivious people will never know.

Aside from the regular noise of the city, her apartment is silent. The girl glances into the darkness of her bedroom.

It's so cold here.

She thinks back to his last words.

I'll leave, Lorelei.

The thin air leaves her chest again in a gasp she can't help but replay. The frail legs balancing her on her thin seat get weak. She takes hold of the sides of the window to keep from falling out.

Below, she sees a man shouting on his cell phone. It brings his words back when she called him.

He wasn't alone. I should have known better.

Her heart bleeds, bleeds, bleeds. She wipes her cheek with the fabric wrapping her torso, only to realize that she's wearing his shirt.

Why, why, why? You still owe me a reason.

The girl is alone and freezing, but she doesn't have an explanation - no kiss goodbye and no reason why.

She looks again towards the skyline and frowns. A thought occurs to her, and it breaks her already torn heart.

He's in her bed, sharing the same view that we used to.

And that's it. The girl looks from the unmade bed to the concrete twenty-two stories below.

I'll leave, Adam.

And she falls.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yah so there's this.