Last of the American Girls

Today is the first day of the rest of our lives

With a small flick of my wrist I toss my cigarette onto the concrete below me, pressing my foot on it to extinguish it. I'm starting over today. Just the thought almost drives me to another cowboy killer.
"Bristol, you coming?" I hear Ben call from behind me. Ben, my little sister's boyfriend came to the rescue to find me an amazing job after I lost mine. I worked at a fancy salon in San Francisco for almost a month before they realized I didn't quite fit their mold. Who knew that tattoos and high society folk don't mix, right? How I even got that job to begin with is beyond me.. Ben works with Reprise Records. I'm not sure exactly what he does, but thanks to him, I'm now the hair and make up girl for a music video that shoots today.
"Day one.." I mumble to myself before taking a deep breath and making my way over to Ben. "Sorry. Had to kill the nerves."
"You'll be fine." He nods enthusiastically. "This is right up your alley. Come on." He opens the passenger door to his jeep for me to climb in. With a grunt, I lift myself into the seat.
"So do I get to know who I'm working with on this or...?" I begin, as he drives us toward the airplane hanger where the video is set to be filmed.
"You get to know nothing, actually." He smirks. I always find it heart-melting when guys smirk. Seeing my sister's boyfriend do it, however, almost made me gag. The look on my face must show this disgust because Ben bursts out laughing. "When are you going to stop making those faces at me? I've been with Brittany for 5 years."
I scoff in response, rolling my eyes. Had he not gotten me this job, I'd have nothing to do with him. Though they've been together for "5 years" They've broken up so often, I can't seem to keep up. Its just easier to dislike him. I know Brittany put him up to this.
"Is the music industry really that secretive?"
"Not at all. Your sister just swore me to secrecy. Said you tend to over think and get yourself nervous so the less you know, the better."
"Thanks Brit." I mumble with a laugh, knowing shes exactly right.
We turn in to the parking lot of the hanger, and after about 4 security stops, find a parking spot. I immediately spot the trailer with the big "Hair/Makeup" sign and feel my stomach do a flip. Beneath the words "hair/makeup" are the words "American Idiot". I gulp audibly.
"Ok, so maybe the reason we didn't tell you is because this is your favorite band..." Ben flinches as he speaks. "Blame your sister. Seriously."
All I can do is stare at the sign. Green Day has been my favorite band since I was 16 and Dookie was released. As the realization washes over me that in less than an hour I'll be styling the guys from Green Day, a huge grin spreads across my features. I look over at Ben. Maybe hes not so bad after all..
"Thank you." I smile, thinking of all the strings he probably had to pull to get this job for me. "Really, thank you."
"Hey, we might be family one day. I was happy to help out."
I nod another thank you and crawl out of the jeep, slinging my bag over my shoulder and head to the trailer.