Last of the American Girls

Welcome To A New Kind Of Tension

I finish styling Mike and Tre's hair in half the time I spent yesterday and head into the hanger to set my mini station up. I briefly wave at the barely familiar faces as I drop into the chair I spent most of the previous day in.

As the shoot starts up, I pull my cell phone out of my pocket and shoot a text to Brittany.
"I shouldn't even tell u this, but...we almost kissed this morning.-Bristol"
Within seconds the phone vibrates with a response.
"Did you mean to send me that text? -DAD P.S. WHO DO I NEED TO BEAT UP?!"
Fuck.. I stare down at the text, knowing my dad is only reacting in proper dad form. My phone vibrates again..
"Lol jk It's brittany. How do u almost kiss sum1 dumbass? Close the deal! ;) -Brit"
I'm going to kill her later. Stupid little sister.
"Tell you about it at Dads show tonight. I hate you btw. -Bristol"

I throw my phone onto my station, and turn my attention back to the set. All three guys are standing, instruments in hand, listening to Samuel give them and idea of what will be happening during the shot. A big smile spreads across my face as my eyes catch Tre's and he waves excitedly. Mike quickly swats his arm and I can vaguely hear the two begin to argue. Men never really grow up, do they?


My fingers trace over the strings of my unplugged guitar as I drift in and out of thought. Samuel is droning on and on about how we should actually play our instruments, rather than mime it, to make the video more realistic. He's an excellent director but sometimes these artsy types get on my nerves. I look up towards the station Bristol is sitting at... Her eyes are glued to her cellphone and I can tell, even from across the room, that she's irritated. It's kind of cute. She tosses the phone behind her and with a sigh, her gaze drifts in this direction.

Tre sees to have noticed too because his arm shoots into the air, waving maniacally at her. Her eyes light up at the sudden attention.

"You guys aren't paying attention at all, which is my cue to shut up and let you do what you do." Samuel grunts in his usual gruff manner. As we scramble to our spots on the makeshift stage, and he settles himself behind a moniter, the track begins. "ACTION!!"

The music blasts through the airplane hanger and I dive into my usual stage persona.

"Don't wanna be an American idiot!
Don't want a nation under the new media
And can you hear the sound of hysteria
The subliminal mind fuck America! "

"CUT!" Samuel interrupts, yelling over the track and essentially pausing the whole room. "Guys, take a 15. We have to reset... TONY! Why is the flag already melting? I said wait for my cue!"

I drop my guitar onto its stand before scanning the room. I really haven't taken the time to look at how many people are on this crew and how huge of a project this is. It shouldn't, after 14 years and 19 music videos before this one, but it feels just as surreal as it did all those years ago. After a moment, my eyes land on Bristol...