Last of the American Girls

Stuck With Me

I reach for my cell phone, and quickly shoot a text to my sister, Brittany.
"Loving the job so far. BJA is weird. Not sure if flirting or just a pig. Either way, challenge accepted. -Bri"

Almost immediately my phone beeps, signaling a new message. It must be nap time at the day care where she works.
"Omg. You're totally in love with him. -Brittany"
Jesus. She can't read a message without turning it into something entirely different. Before I can start typing a response two more messages pop up on the screen.

"R U srsly dating that Green Day guy? -Kennedy"
"What's this i hear about a new boyfriend? -Mom"
Dammit Brittany. I say the word flirting and suddenly my mother and other sister are texting me about it? I send a "Ignore Brit, shes crazy." message back to them both, and a "I'm seriously going to smack you." text to the start of all this madness, Brittany, before shoving my phone back in my pocket. I never should have said anything. We weren't even flirting. He just kept looking at me in a way a still can't seem to decipher.

I wander out of the trailer, my battery powered flat iron, bottle of gel and eyeliner piled into the bag slung over my back, and head into the hanger. My jaw almost hits the floor as I see the set. A huge green American flag back drop takes up most of the warehouse, with a rotating drum kit in front of it. This will be quite the video. I walk across the room and take a seat next to the miniature version of my station that's been set up for quick touch ups. My bag hits the floor, making a loud echoed noise and attracting every pair of eyes toward my direction.
"Oops?" I whisper in embarrassment.
"And on that note..." Samuel, the director of the shoot announces. "I'd like to introduce you all to the newest member of our crew, Bristol. Its her first day so show her the ropes."
I wave awkwardly, earning a few laughs from the crew. Great first impression.

As the chaos of the video begins around me, I find myself sitting in the corner, simply watching. Samuel seems like a hot head. He's constantly barking out orders around the set, and redoing things other people have done wrong in his mind. Tre is at the drums, filming a slow motion version of the song.

"You have an admirer." Mike says in a sing-songy voice, brushing past me on his way outside.
"I what?" I look back to where he came from. Billie Joe, guitar in hand, is smiling at me. That smile that pisses me off and makes me want to collapse into his arms all at once. I look away, as though I'm completely unimpressed. I can almost feel the look of confusion playing at his perfect features. I'm sure no girl has ever been able to keep her cool around him. I have every intention of knocking that smirk of his down a few levels.

We sit like this for almost 3 hours. He looks up at me, I pretend to be uninterested, I look at him, he catches me and the cycle starts all over again.

"Okay guys. Take an hour for lunch. We'll be back at one. Bristol, quick touch up on the guys when we get back. One o clock everyone." Samuel yells, frustration in his voice.
I gather my wallet and phone from my back and look around for Ben. He drove me here so I assume I'll catch a ride with him or borrow his jeep for lunch. It takes just a minute to spot him amongst the everyone's mad dash to the door.
"I've been looking for you!" He yells, running up to me. "Brit is on her way here to pick me up for lunch. Want to join us?"
"I'd lo-" I begin.
"Shes got plans already actually." Billie Joe's smooth voice rings from behind me and I feel a hand slide against my lower back. Ben smirks, leaving without another word and I turn to Billie with a raised eyebrow.
"And when did I agree to this?" I try to force myself away out of his arm, but can't seem to move. He's only gently touching the small of my back, but from the second I felt his touch, my "hard to get" game flew out the window.
"Just now."