Last of the American Girls

Come with me and let's go for a ride

Billie Joe gently pushes me toward the doors adorned with a blinking exit sign above them. The flashing neon seems to accentuate the nausea I'm suddenly feeling. He slides his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose, his free arm still wrapped around my waist and leads me out to a black mini cooper. I raise my eyebrows in surprise. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but it certainly wasn't this. He laughs, noticing the look on my face.
"Yes, I drive a girly-man car." He says with a hint of irritation under his playful tone. He must get that a lot.
"Its cute." I mock, grinning as he opens the door for me. He laughs, slamming the door closed and runs around to the drivers side.

He situates himself in the seat and speeds out of the lot, toward downtown San Francisco. The Ramones powerful and loud music blasts through the car. I can't help but smile brightly and tap my feet along.
"What?" He asks, glancing over at me.
"My Dad's band always covers this song. Its one of my favorites." I explain, mentally reminiscing.
"Your Dad's band?" Billie questions.
"Well, my birthdad.." I begin. If I was thinking, I simply would have said yes and let the subject drop. He shoots another glance at me, waiting for more of an explanation.

"I was adopted. Twice." I smile, knowing just how strange that sounds. He gestures with his hand for me to continue, clearly more confused now than before. "Long story short, when I was about 3 days old I was put up for adoption. My birthmom was only 16 and birthdad had no clue I existed. When I hit 14 things got a little intense and I was too much for my adoptive parents to handle. They threw me back into the system. My social worker found my birthmother and she adopted me and told my birthdad. Well.. I guess they're just Mom and Dad now. I don't even consider the others my family anymore. So.. yeah." I laugh awkwardly. "Talk about baggage."

He pulls over into an open parking spot on the busy downtown street, and turns to me.
"I like a girl with a good back story." He winks. "C'mon. I'm starving."

I sit in the car for a second, confused at how easily he brushed off something that sends most of my dates running. Wait.. is this a date? No, I'm just letting Brittany's texts from earlier get into my head.. This is not a date. I shake off the thoughts piling up in my brain and take Billie Joe's now outstretched hand. He helps me out of the car and immediately replaces his arm around my lower back. I could get used to this.

We make our way down the crowds of staring people. It doesn't faze him even a little. I start to move away from him, wondering if that will make it stop but he pulls me right back.
"You'll get used to it." He leans over, whispering in my ear. His breath against my neck sends a shiver down my spine. "Although, I may have just made it worse." Before I can look up, camera flashes blind me from all around us blind me. He quickens his pace, pulling me with him and we duck into a small, almost unnoticeable, hole-in-the-wall cafe.
"Sorry." He says as we approach a table in the back corner. He pulls a chair out for me and I feel my cheeks grow hot. I've never had anyone open car doors for me, or pull chairs out. Another thing I could get used to.
"Don't be. Its part of the appeal of hanging out with a celebrity." Laughing, I push a strand of hair away from my face. He pushes his sunglasses up into his hair and my jaw drops. "Seriously? You just ruined all my hard work." I scold.
"Guess it's a good thing I'm taking my stylist out for lunch." He wriggles his eyebrows. A very girlish giggle leaves my lips and I'm not even embarrassed by the sound. He called me his. I could REALLY get used to that!