Last of the American Girls

Open the past and present. And the future too.

"You need to reexplain this whole 'adopted twice' thing to me." Billie Joe says, shoving a large bite of the sandwich he ordered into his mouth.
"Not fair!" I look up from my bowl of soup. "I basically told you my life story. Its my turn to hear yours."
He laughs through a mouth of food and holds a finger up to me so he can finish chewing. I smirk. Even with his mouth full, I find him ridiculously attractive.

"What do you want to know?" He asks after a few seconds. It takes everything for me to not choke my question down and go with something simple like 'where are you from' even though I know the answer. No... I can't force this one down. Not after the way we've been acting.

"Aren't... uh.. aren't you married?" I hesitantly ask. His smile fades into a somber frown and I immediately regret asking. Way to ruin the moment, Bristol.
"My divorce was finalized a little over a year and a half ago."
"Oh. Sorry to hear that." My voice feigns actual sorrow, but in my mind I'm dancing. So maybe that's not the nicest reaction, but at least I internalized it, right? He simply shrugs a response. Seeing the sadness glaze over the happiness his eyes usually portray really breaks my heart. "Sorry for bringing it up.."
"No. Don't be. I asked for the divorce so its my own damn fault." He exhales as he speaks. I tilt my head a bit, mentally begging him to change the subject, but he keeps going. "Things just weren't working between us. She wanted me home more, I had obligations out on the road. Once 'Cigarettes and Valentines' was stolen, everything hit rock-bottom. I didn't want to put my sons through seeing us constantly fight, so.. I ended things."
"Sounds like a great Dad." I smile weakly, having no clue how else to respond. He laughs softly, a loving smile taking its place on his lips. With a quick shake of the head, he snaps out of whatever just just went through his mind and his gaze returns to mine.

"You have any kids, Bristol?" He quickly changes the subject.
"Nah. I have a two year old brother and sister, a 4 year old sister and a 6 month old nephew. I'm pretty much set for children in my life." I grin.
"Your family sounds as big as mine!"
"You have no idea. 4 younger half sisters from my birthdad, 2 younger half brothers from my birthmom. Plus, my two oldest sisters also have half siblings from their moms. I can't even keep up anymore." I grunt. "Until I hit 14, I was an old child. Be careful what you wish for."
"No shit." Billie laughs loudly. "You're the oldest then?"
I nod, taking a drink from my water.
"I'll trade you. Youngest of six." He smirks. I smile back at him, before glancing down at my phone.
"Actually, the little ones should be with Brittany right now. Assuming she picked Ben up, i guess. Mind if we head back so I can see them?" I ask, hoping he doesn't think I'm ridiculous. I love my little brothers and sisters. I can't help it!
"Lets go!" He jumps up. "I want to meet all the little Bristols!"

I laugh at how quickly his mood can flip from one extreme to the next.
He nods, reaching for my hand and pulling me out of the chair. He drops some cash on the table, practically swatting my hand away as I try to grab my wallet.
"My treat." He smiles, his hand tightening around mine. I blush and look away. Why the hell does he keep making me act like the main actress in a romantic comedy?! I usually hate girls like that. The giggling, and blushing.. No one has ever had this effect on me. I kind of like it..

We make our way back to his car, hand in hand. I pay absolutely no attention this time, to the stares. Nothing can break the happiness I'm feeling at this point. Well.. nothing except for the man holding my hand. Its only been a few hours since we met and already the thought of his hand leaving mine, our fingers no longer being entwined, seems horrifying to me.
"M'lady." He bows with a grin as he opens the car door for me. I fight back laughter and curtsy before getting in.
"Why thank you, kind sir."

He grins, running around the car and throwing a quick wave to the small group forming on the sidewalk, staring at him in awe. His hand immediately finds mine across the car as we begin the short drive back to set. I can't help but smile. It stays silent on the drive, the two of us simply content with being in the others presence.

As we pull into the lot, I see Brittany and Ben roll up in her SUV. Billie follows my eyes and he lights up with excitement.
"Are those the mini's?"
"Should be!" I nod, almost diving from the mini-cooper as it comes to a stop. Billie hurries behind me with a huge smile on his face. I yell for Brittany before she can drive away.

"Sista!" She waves. I hug her tightly as she climbs from her vehicle. Her eyebrows raise accusingly, noticing Billie Joe. "Who do we have here?" She extends her hand to him. He shakes it, exchanging a quick hello. I can almost hear her yelling "You're totally in love with him" in her head. Brat.

"BRI!" I hear from the backseat of the car. With a grin, I fling the backdoor open. Ava, Hunter and Tessa are sitting in their car seats, wriggling around to get out.
"Billie," I smile lovingly at the little ones. "Meet my sisters, Ava and Tessa, and Brittany's half brother, Hunter. Siblings, say hi to my new friend Billie Joe." He waves as Ben and I unhook their seatbelts.
"We're leaving in 10 minutes guys. Ben, Bristol and their new friend," Brittany smirks at the word 'friend' as she speaks. "have to get back to work." She turns her attention back to Ben, leaving me to my excited siblings.

Ava immediately warms up to Billie. She gives him a giant hug, asking all about his tattoos and telling him about mine and our Dad's.
"Daddy had my name and Tessa's and Kennedy's and Brittany's and Bristols on one arm and Mommy's on the other." She exclaims in broken, 4-year-old english. He smiles warmly and rolls his sleeve up to show her where his sons names are on his arm. Ava gasps. "Just like Daddy!"

After a few minutes, Samuel yells for Billie, needing his input on something. He says a few goodbyes to my little sisters and Brittany, winking at me quickly and runs over to the clearly irritated director.
♠ ♠ ♠
Next story will be in Billie Joe's point of view. Felt the need to switch it up a little. Hope you're still enjoying it!