Last of the American Girls

I'm having troubles with control.

***Billie Joe Armstrong's Point-of-View***

"Thanks Sam." I nod as he walks away. I turn my attention back to Bristol as she helps her sister load the little ones into the car. Ava, the oldest of the 3 kids, catches my eye and waves happily. I return the wave with a chuckle. Bristol turns to me with a smile, gesturing that she'll just be a minute. As she starts giving her visiting siblings hugs goodbye, I can't take my eyes off of her.

From a distance barely make out the dark roots in her bleach blonde hair, but bright purple chunks throughout distract from it enough that I hadn't notice until now. Everything about her, from the start of a tattoo sleeve peaking out of her tshirt, to her smile that could light up a room, draws me in. I want to know everything about her. Not even my ex-wife had this overwhelming effect over me.

"Beej. You seriously need to stop looking at her like that." Mike snorts a laugh, walking up next to me. He takes a drag from his cigarette and blows the puff of smoke over his shoulder. "Whats going on with you, today?"
I shrug, only pulling my gaze from Bristol for a moment. Mike seems to take that as an answer.
"I've known you for long enough to know exactly what that looks means."
"Yeah. More songs." Tre chimes in, appearing at my other side. He grins, that childish Tre grin and begins yelling. "Billie likes Bristol! Billie likes Bristol!"
I roll my eyes. I should have expected something like this from him. I look over to where Brittany's car was, thankful that she has left. She seems like the type to join in on Tre's nonsense. Ben and Bristol are talking and the two quickly look up at the yelling. Even from here I can see her face turn bright red. Ben says something to her with a smirk and walks away, leaving her standing alone in embarrassment. I walk over to her, mouthing "sorry". She giggles quietly. The sound of her laughter, though almost silent, drowns out Tre's continued yelling. After a few seconds, Mike drags him away and she smiles at me.

"Your hair is a mess." She looks amused and pulls her fingers through my, apparently, wild hair. Her playful attitude emphasized after being around the toddlers. I drape my arm over her shoulders and lead her toward the makeup and hair trailer.
"Guess you have to get back to work then!"
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Sorry this one was so short. I just wanted to try once in his point of view before i continued on. Also, this will seem odd, but I adore Adrienne so I can't bring myself to use her name as the "ex" in this story. So just keep that in mind. It will be a very similar name (if i ever do need to use it), but I kind of feel like a brat using her real name. Is that completely ridiculous?