Last of the American Girls

Late last night I had a dream

I smile, the sun warming my whole body as I lay in Billie Joe's arms. I tilt my head back, meeting his eyes and he leans down, pressing a light kiss against my lips. I sit up, rotating myself to face him, pulling him back for another kiss. His lips crash against mine, passionately. We remain in this lip locked embrace for a moment before he suddenly pulls away.
"Whats wrong?" I ask, dazed.
"Meow." He replies. What the fuck? "Meow."

My eyes blink open. I immediately start laughing, realizing it was only a dream. A perfect dream interrupted by Bella pawing at me to wake up. My giggling continues as I roll off the couch and head into the bathroom for a quick shower. I wash hair and myself as fast as I can, knowing I still have to do my hair and I have to be back to work in an hour. As quickly as I'm in the shower, I'm out and digging through clothes in my dresser. I settle on my black jeans and a loose fitting teal tank top along with a pair of black combat boots. The tattoo's on my arms look bright and colorful next to the color in my hair and shirt. I smile, pleased with the outfit and move on to fixing my hair. I put a little bit of product through my damn locks and decide to let it air dry. The natural "beach wave" look I'm lucky enough to have, seemed to catch Billie's eye yesterday. Maybe it will again today! Within about 20 minutes, i'm made up and ready to go. I pour some fresh food and water into Bella's bowl as I rush out to my car.

My baby. I grin as I sit down in the drivers seat. I've had this car since I was 18. It's a serious junker but it runs like a dream. I start the car and crank up the volume on my stereo. Green Day. Of course that's what I last had playing. I smile at the sound of Billie Joe's voice and begin my drive to another day of work. The half hour drive across the city moves decently fast, but I still arrive about 15 minutes later than I would have liked.

Once I'm through security and onto the lot, I make a mad dash for the coffee.
"Tired?" A laugh sounds from behind me. I glance over my shoulder, still filling up my cup and smile as I see Mike.
"Very. Fell asleep on my couch last night." I nod, ignoring the burn I just inflicted on my tongue as I gulp back the coffee. Mike smirks. I'm sure one night on the couch is nothing compared to months in and out of hotel rooms and bunks in the bus. "You look well rested."
"I should." He chuckles. "Did absolutely nothing last night. My ex wife has our daughter until I'm finished filming, then shes staying with me until the tour starts in a few months."
"That's really sweet, Mike." I smile. "How old is she?"
"She turned 7 about 2 months ago." He says proudly. My smile widens. Mike seems like he'd make an amazing Dad to a little girl.
"Tre has a daughter too, right?"
"A daughter and a son." He corrects with a nod. "And Billie has two sons."
I smile. All three of them are fathers. It's just insane to me. I can't even begin to imagine being a mother and then having my husband or babydaddy or whoever on the road for months at a time. Especially on a tour with thousands of groupies jumping all over the place. I don't know if that's something I could handle..
"I'm going to go get set up. See you in a bit?" I look at Mike, hoping he hasn't noticed the sudden look of fear across my face. His face is buried in a box of doughnuts so i think my secret is safe. He throws a thumbs up in my direction and I head over to my trailer.

As I fling the door open, my eyes latch on to Billie Joe's through the mirror. He spins around in the chair, grinning at me.
"Morning." He says coolly. I start to smile, pretending I'm not confused by his actions at the end of yesterday compared to now. Seems a lot easier to just go along with him than question it.
"How early did you get here so you could beat me?" I grin with a giggle. "You're so lame!" His cool smirk falls. I know he hates when I ruin his smooth guy act, but its just so cheesey. I can't help myself! I walk into the trailer and lean set my coffee and purse down next to the station.
He rolls his eyes and steps out of the chair, toward me. His arms find their usual place around me as I lean back against the wall of the trailer. The smirk returns as he steps closer, pinning me against the wall. I gasp softly.
"Still think I'm lame?" He whispers, his lips close enough to mine that they're almost touching.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two stories in one day!? I felt bad about the two ridiculously short updates that took me so long to get out, and I'm kind of on a roll. So maybe two more tomorrow? We'll see.