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One Night Changed Everything

chapter one

He didn’t expect it, it happened so suddenly that it had frightened him, to be honest little frightens him. It wasn’t that he was a smart ass or anything it was just that he didn’t think anything was scary...
He felt horrible he was burning up and that dream that dream felt so real what was happening to him Gerard thought. His mom came in to find him writhing in pain he’s forehead as hot as hell, what’s wrong dear she asked in a voice filled with fear and worry, it was the first time in months that Gerard came home and that’s just because it was Mikey’s birthday and Mikey begged him to come, after everything that happened Gerard wasn’t sure he would ever put his feet in Jersey again. Mom it hurts he screamed as a fresh wave of pain hit he’s lower back. I’m taking you to the hospital Donna said ignoring Gerard’s protests, she hated seeing any of her children in pain especially now that Gerard was home, she knew he wasn’t going to stay or talk about that night three months ago after she and Mikey found him naked and delirious in a ditch, cuts and bruises everywhere on his body and a huge bump at the back of his head, for weeks she couldn’t get him to eat anything, anything that went into he’s mouth he threw up she tried feeding him through a tube even that didn’t work, she sent him to a shrink but he refused to talk so finally after many tears she hugged him and sent him to his dad...
When they got to the emergency room they found that their usual physician Dr Bryar was out of town for a few weeks, the nurse at the front desk sent them to the new doctor’s office. “DR Iero is a very good doctor I can assure you Mrs Way, he will be with you shortly, just wait for him in the waiting room please. Dr Iero came into the waiting area and immediately spotted the Ways waiting for him, one look at Gerard and he immediately took him by the arm and into the examination room telling Mrs Way that everything will be alright. Gerard looked up for the first time and was surprised to see how young and beautiful Dr Iero is. “Hey, I gather you are Mr Way, Bob’s patient?” “Yes, where is he?” “He’s on vacation so tell me what’s wrong with you before we run some tests.” Gerard knew o yes he knew what happened to him he knew what happened that night but he couldn’t, wouldn’t tell the doctor anything he’s scared he knows what will happen if he talk he won’t let it happen though so he made up a story, “ I think it’s flu doctor and maybe a little stress I just started working a few days ago and you know how stressful that can be I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about, I don’t want any tests and you can’t force me.”
Frank knew he was lying it didn’t take a genius to figure out that his symptoms had absolutely nothing to do with stress, but Gerard was right he couldn’t force him to take any tests. He sighs”fine Mr Way have it your way, I will give you a prescription for standard antibiotics that will help any kinds of symptoms relating to flu, I want you to trust me though if you ever need to talk or whatever, he took out he’s Dr’s notepad and wrote a prescription out handing it to Gerard with a worried expression in his eyes. Gerard just basically ran out of there ignoring the sharp shooting pain in his abdomen he wasn’t going to tell anyone how long he had it or that he has a pain in the abdomen no one needs to know what happened that night especially Mikey...
Mikey flung his arms around Gerard the moment he came home from school that afternoon. “You came Gee, I’m so glad you came, I’ve missed you Gee I thought you will never come back.” Gerard hugged his brother tightly and allowed tears to escape his eyes for the first time in months, he missed Mikey too. “I missed you too Mikes” I couldn’t tell him that I’m not going to stay long; I hate to see Mikey upset. Mikey was just happy that he’s brother was home again, when Gerard went off to live with their father Donald he was a emotional wreck, he couldn’t understand why Gerard didn’t tell him what happened that night, Gerard said he couldn’t remember but Mikey saw the fear in he’s eyes and knew that was a lie, he didn’t pressure Gerard though he loved him too much and though it’s still killing him to this day that he doesn’t know what happened he just wanted Gerard to stay...