My Name is Driftwood

Boyfriends and Babies

Matt grabbed her hand and dragged her to his car. He turned on the music loud and rolled down the windows. Soon, he pulled into the park overlooking Carter Lake. They sat on a picnic table overlooking the rippling water. She leaned against him, feeling his thin frame through his thin, plaid, cotton shirt. Matt's arm went around her shoulder.

"Things aren't as bad as you think. You don't need him, you're stronger than that," he murmured.

Emilia turned her face up at his. Matt's blue eyes stared deeply into hers.

"Why are you so good to me, Matt?"

"Because you're important to me, I care about you."

Sighing heavily, she broke his gaze and dug through her purse. Triumphantly, she pulled out four tiny bottles.

"Parking lot shots! She announced.

"You can have those," Matt smiled, "I'm driving."

Suddenly, Emilia kissed him. There was no hesitation, Matt kissed back. Their lips parted, tongues playing. He pulled her closer.

"Matt," she gasped.


"I want to be with you," she whispered, her stomach churning with bile.

He gave her a half smile.

"Where'd that come from?" he asked.

"I just wanted to say it, you know, when I was sober. So you'd believe me."

"Are you sure you're being honest and… never mind."

"And what?"

He grinned, "nothing," and kissed her again. "So it's you and me?"

"Against the world," she said with a smile.


Matt pulled up to Emilia's house. He smiled when he saw her coming out of the door. The smile was wiped from his face when he saw what was following her. There was a little girl with dark pigtails dressed in pink overalls bouncing out behind her. As Emilia turned to go to her car, she froze. Her eyes locked with Matt's and he saw the panic in her eyes. She broke their stare and walked to her car where she lifted the little girl in and shut the door. Matt approached her. He opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"Yes, she's mine," Emilia said.

"But, when?"

"California. Look Matt, that's why I can't date you again."

"What? I love kids. It doesn't bother me."

"I just can't, I'm sorry. I've got to go. She has a doctor's appointment."

Emilia hesitated and Matt knew there was something else to this. Then she opened the door.

"Baby, this is mommy's friend Matt. He wanted to meet you."

Matt smiled and stuck his hand in.

"Hi, I'm Matt Montgomery."

"Hi!" the little girl said shyly.

"It was very nice to meet you. How old are you?"

"Ok, that's enough," Emilia said quickly shutting the car door.

"I'm 6," she hollered through the window.

Matt stared at Emilia, she avoided his gaze.

"EM, who is her father?"

"No one," she joked, "She was formed by midichlorians."

"She's too old to be Zach's. Is she mine?"

"No," Emilia stated solidly. "We broke up in 99, remember? She was born in 2001."

"Is this why you left?"

"Yes. Now, I really have to go."

Right then, Emilia's mother ran out of the door with a backpack.

"Emilia, you left this!" she called, crossing the lawn. "Oh, hello Matthew."

She handed Emilia the backpack. Matt saw the child's name written in Sharpie. He looked up, a shocked expression on his face. Hers was white as a ghost.
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Comments anyone?