My Name is Driftwood

Nicknames and Memories

Emilia walked into the bar. She breathed in the smell of sawdust that still covered the floors. The bartender looked up and broke into a huge smile. The tiny redhead hopped up and down, blue eyes sparkling.

"EM!" she screamed, running from behind the bar to hug Emilia.

"Hey, MacKenzie," Emilia replied casually, giving the girl a hug.

"My god! What are you doing here? I thought you were in California!"

"I was, but this place is like a black hole, it sucked me back in."

"Well, I'm glad you're back! I know someone else who will be too!"

Emilia's heart began to pound as MacKenzie dragged Emilia back to a booth in the corner of the bar. Emilia saw the shock of dark hair, full beard and thin frame and smiled.

"Hey, Tim, look who's back!"

Tim looked up from his beer and conversation and jumped up, grabbing her and spinning her around.

"EM! What are you doing?" he cried.

"I'm back," she said with an awkward shrug.
He took her in. This wasn't the Emilia he knew. She was unusually thin and pale. Her usually long dark hair was cut short and her brown eyes looked flat and tired. She definitely didn't look like the same girl when she came from California originally. It worried him.


When Emilia got to the first class on her schedule, Tim was in it. She made her way to the empty desk next to him and sat down.

"Thanks for ditching me," she said sourly.

"Hey, didn't you hear them call me up to the office over the loud speaker?" he asked.


"Well, they did," he said matter-of-factly, "Now, let me see your schedule."

Emilia blinked, shook her head and them handed over her schedule. Tim was kind of a strange kid.

"We have all the same classes, EM."

Emilia gave him a strange look. She had been called Em before, but never this. He had said it not like Em, or E.M., but like Ian with an m on the end.

"EM?" she asked.

"Emilia Margaret, EM. What, you don't like the nickname?"

"Well, it's just that no one has ever called me that before," she said, raising an eyebrow. "Are you messing with me or being nice?"

Tim really was an odd kid.

"I like you, EM. I think you're a cool kid. I'm going to be friends with you," he declared just as the teacher quieted the class down.
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Again, sorry for it takin so long. As of June 6th, I'm free to update more often