My Name is Driftwood

Faith In Friends

Emilia had just gotten back home when her phone rang. She took a deep breath and answered.


"EM, it's Matt."

"Oh, hi. Sorry about what happened. It's just a touchy situation. Tim's always been a little over protective when it comes to me. He just makes me angry."

"Can I come over?" he asked.

There was silence on the line, a hesitation.

"Yeah, we'll just have to sit outside. My parents won't appreciate the noise."

"Ok, I'll be over in a minute."

Matt walked back inside. Tim eyed him warily.

"I'm going over to EM's," Matt said.

"Wait, what are you going to do?" Tim asked suspiciously.

"I think she just needs to talk. And, she obviously doesn't want to talk to you."

Everyone grimaced and looked at Tim.

"Well, she's going to have to talk to me sooner or later."


EM started going out with Todd. She was all giggly all the time, and Tim didn't like it because she wasn't herself anymore. Tim asked out a junior named Melinda who stood and watched him like a puppy during all of his band's shows. EM never missed a show, even though she was always by herself; Todd never came. One day, a week before prom, EM showed up on his doorstep. Her eyes were red and her face streaked with tears.

"EM, what's wrong?" Tim cried, grabbing her and hugging her.

Through sobs, EM managed to get the words out.

"Todd broke up with me."

"He's a moron."

Tim brought her over to his bed and sat her down. He sat there with his arms around her.

"Now I'm not going to go to prom," she sniffled.

"Come by yourself! We'll all be there."

Emilia gave him a horrified look.

"No way! I'm not going by myself."

"Fine, I'll break up with Melinda and take you myself."

Emilia kept her first reaction to herself. She didn't want to admit that it sounded great, he always came through for her. She also didn't want to admit that Todd had given her an ultimatum, him, or Tim. Of course, loyal Emilia had picked Tim without any hesitation.

"No, Tim. Go to prom with her. Have fun."

"I won't have fun if you're miserable," he whined. "Besides, she's just a warm body anyways."

And, that's just what he did. He dumped Melinda and went with Emilia. They had fun and grew even closer. What he said had been true and he showed it. All the girls he dated were just warm bodies, nothing special enough to make him truly commit. Unfortunately, it was the same for Emilia. She always found some way to screw up her relationships.
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Sorry if it's hard to stick to. I hope the flashbacks are noticable without a header.