My Name is Driftwood

Truth and Freedom

Matt pulled up to Emilia's parent's home. She was sitting on the front step waiting for him. Tim was right, she didn't look like her old self. Her hair was short and her eyes were tired. He got out of his car and went over, sitting next to her.

"So, what happened?" he asked gently.

Emilia just shook her head. She looked at Matt. He was comforting, the familiar huge blue eyes and longish brown hair that he constantly tucked behind his ears. Reaching forward, she tucked a stray lock behind his ear and stared at him.

"How can I tell you if I can't even bring myself to tell Tim?"

"Because you need to tell someone."

They sat there in silence for a little while before Emilia cleared her throat.

"Well, I moved to LA. That's where I met Zach. I fell in love and things moved probably just a little too quickly. He didn't seem like a bad guy. He just has an issue with anger. Sometimes, we'd fight and he'd…"

She trailed off, looking into the sky. Tears began to stream down her face. Matt put his arms around her and held her tightly.

"Go on," he urged. "I'm not going to lose it like Tim."

"He'd lose his temper and let it loose on me. I took it at first. But, then, it got to be more often. I tried to talk to him and nothing changed. So, I left. I had nowhere to go, so I came home."

"I'm glad you're here and safe," Matt said.

"Why does every relationship I get involved in end badly?"

"Just not the right person, I guess. And, you never let anyone in. Sometimes I think that no one knows the real you. Just so you know, I've never stopped caring for you. If you ever wanted to get back together, I wouldn't turn you down."

"Matt, it's not that I don't care about you. But, my life is… kind of complicated. I really don't have any room for a relationship at the moment. Plus, I'll just fuck you over again."

"I'm here, EM. Whenever you need me."

"I know."

Emilia felt guilty, her relationship with Matt had ended amicably. They had made a great couple, but for her, the spark just wasn't there. Maybe it was just an excuse, she was always finding them to get out of a relationship. In fact, Zach had been the first one she had broken up with for a real reason. She and Matt had broken up after 2 years and she left Nebraska a few months later.