Status: it's up to you

Mr Wolf

No no I won't give up the fight

She was livid, her face frozen in angry lines, her red lips paper thin while she looked at you through the window and you let the boy go with a silly grin. His mouth was swollen and with eyes of a small child, he pulled at your arm guiding you behind the house. You could feel his heartbeat drumming through your skin; it shivered as violently as the skinny boy and there wasn‘t a time in your life when you didn‘t want to play this game anymore.

His fingers were slipping from your grasp, the dizziness from before wearing off but before he could run off you pressed him to the wall, your body swallowing his every inch. He looked flushed when his hips stuttered into yours; you just pushed into him harder, your mouth whispering on his ear.

„IIkka“. You told him, wanting to hear your name and he understood calling it out loudly, desperately as if it was the first word he has learned, as you seduced and destroyed him against the wall. His skin tasted like blood, his fractured breaths were mingling with yours creating a murmur before a howl pierced the night. And then everything was quiet.

At dawn you found her waiting by the door and smiled; you won the fight with love Mr Wolf.
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in case you were wondering, yes on his ear not in :D