Are You Free?


The next thing I know when I wake up is that I'm in a soft, warm bed. I looked around and found this bed and the room unfamiliar but then again I did see something like this a few days ago... I turned around to the other side of the bed to find Justin lying there sleeping like a baby. He looked so peaceful and cute, I just wanted to kiss right then and there. After a while I got my head together and wondered if anything happened last night. I jumped up in bed but trying not to wake Justin up, I slipped out of the covers and started searching around for my things in the dark. I couldn't tell if it was night or day but I couldn't see anything. The next thing I know is that I've run into the corner of one of his drawers and I squealed in pain falling to the floor. I squeezed my eyes tight and pursed my lips together to try not to yell but when I opened my eyes the lights were on and Justin was in front of me.

"Maddie, are you okay?" He had a worried look on his face. He crouched down in front of me and helped me up. Oh gosh, I was embarrassed.

"Oh... ummm yeah, yeah I'm fine perfectly okay. But uh, do you know what time it is?" i asked Justin because I was in too much pain and too embarrassed to look around.

"It's 2 in the morning. Why?" He questioned me like it was no problem at all.

"Why? Well let's just say that it's really late at night and earliy in the morning AND my parents are probably freaking out worrying their heads off." I gave him a sarcastic smile. He looked around and swore because he knew I was going to be in trouble having known my parents for a long time. (They weren't that strict though, they just worried a lot.)

I got up and found my things and started limping towards the door. The next thing I know is that he's carrying me down the stairs into the car. He revved up the car and started towards the street to my house.

"You didn't have to do that." I giggled. He smiled.

"I wanted to. I couldn't let you limp all the way down to the car in pain. You okay?" He was so sweet. I gave him a nod to tell him I was perfectly fine; I thought I was a little over dramatic too.

We parked a few feet away from my house and I noticed that all the lights were off so I expected my family to be asleep. I thanked Justin for the ride here and waved him goodbye as he revved up the car.

"Text me before you sleep!" He yelled out the car window to me.

"I'll probably sleep right as I get in there, be expecting it!" I called out after him.

I went into my room after checking to see that my parents and the rest of the family were asleep. I changed into my PJ's and hopped into bed under the sheets. As I was about to text Justin, my phone rang.

Great... it was Mccann.

"Hello?" I talked to the person on the other side of the phone.

"Come outside." He said in a whispery voice.

"What do you want?" I was irritated because I needed to get some sleep and I was a bit cranky.

"Just come outside, please?" Jason pleaded in a whiny voice which got me more annoyed.

So I had no choice but to go outside just so Jason won't break my house door down. I saw him standing on the side walk kicking rocks here and there. He turned his head to look at me.

"What do you want Mccann?" I said annoyed. Before I knew it, his lips were on mine. I pulled away wiping my mouth and getting extremely angry. "What the heck was that for?!" I screamed at him in frustration and anger.

"Hey babe, calm down. No need to get all crazy about that." He smirked. Gross, I can't believe he just did that.

"Babe?! Who do you think you are talking to to call me babe?! I don't want to be out here so get away from me!" I yelled loud enough that my parents probably heard it but to my surprise, no one came out.

Jason became furious from my anger. He started scowling and then slapped me hard in the face. A flash was in my eyes and I fell down on the ground. I felt a sharp pain in my leg as I noticed he was kicking it wildly from anger. Swearing, he began kicking me harder as I started to cry hot tears as I screamed my head off for him to stop. He picked me up by grabbing onto my wrists but it felt as though he was cutting off my circulation. I yelped in pain. He then grabbed my shoulders and pushed me around but I tried hard not to lose my balance. He pushed me against a wall and started kicking at my legs again and screaming himself. What was making him act this way? I was in pain, scared, and angry all at once. I looked up to see him come near me and the next thing I know is that I felt a sharp pain in my side and blacked out.