Are You Free?

You'll Never Take Her Away From Me

I walked down the hallway slowly so I wouldn't fall. All the patients passing by looking at my legs and face like they never seen anyone like this before. I don't blame them, I did look horrible... more like scary. Trying not to notice them, I kept on walking, Justin by one of my sides and my brother by the other side. We all walked in silence until Justin spoke up.

"Hey bro, how's it going?" He asked my brother who was surprised that he talked to him.

"Nothing much. You?"

"Same. It's been a while since we've talked to eachother." Justin smiled. "We should hang out sometime."

"Yeah, we should." My brother was giving out short responses which really irritated me.

"John, if you want to make a real conversation you should give more longer and detailed answers." I said annoyed by my brother.

"Hey, it's okay." Justin smiled to reassure us that it was fine.

We walked all the way down to the entrance area of the hospital. I scanned the room to see what it looked like until I saw a familiar face coming in the hospital. I stoped walking and stared straight into his eyes with hatred. Justin noticed what I noticed and he stopped as well and became tense. His jaw clenched and his eyes became dark with anger. Jason walked towards us and he had a smile on his face. Can you believe that?

"What do you want Mccann?" Justin spat out at him. Justin walked in front of me so I wouldn't get hurt and my brother held onto my shoulders. Seems like he knows what's going on.

"I came to say sorry." Jason smirked. Yuck! How sinister of him to smile when I could've died.

"Sorry doesn't help that. You know she could've died and you did it on purpose. You'll never take her away from me... ever." Hearing those words come out of Justin's mouth made me tear up. How could he be so sweet? I knew I could trust him and I definitely knew he really did love me.

"Yeah, well let's see about that Bieber. Just wait!" Jason yelled, getting his temper back. He walked furiously out the doors and into the night.

We were back in my room and my parents were waiting there talking to our grandparents and other family members.

"What was that?" My brother asked Justin. "Why was he here? Did he do this to her?"

"That was Mccann, you probably remeber him." Justin informed my brother. "And yes he did this to her."

"That bastard! Always starting things up and acting like it was nothing. I hate him!" My brother screamed as he brushed his fingers across his hair.

"We need to keep our eyes on her. Never let her out of your sight." Justin was so protective that made him look even hotter. My brother nodded in confirmation. They did a handshake and walked into the room.

A few minutes later, the doctor and nurse came in with a clipboard. They greeted themselves to everyone including me and walked over by my bed.

"Good new everyone." He said with a friendly smile. "She can go home now. She will need to come back now and then to get a daily check up on how she's doing. Also, when she's home, make sure she doesn't get involved in big activities." He handed my mom a list of activities that I was prohibited to do. He nodded and walked out.

"Great!" My mom said cheerfully as she got up and started packing bags. "Now you can come back home! How wonderful is that!"

I got up, even though I was still weak the doctor let me go... how professional. I rolled my eyes and put my shoes on as the two boys linked their arms with mine and helped me out the building into our car. The ride home was quiet and no one really talked.