Are You Free?

Jason Mccann

I woke up wiht the sun shining in my eyes.

"What's going on? Where am I?" I moaned. I looked at my wrists and ankles then everything from last night rushed into my head and I sat up with a racing heartbeat. Great... I'm still in a kidnappers house. Suddenly the door squeaked open and I looked up to see that guy.

"Well good morning sunshine!" He hollered across the garage to me. I rolled my eyes. He only knew me for a few hours (not even a whole day) and he's already giving me nicknames like sunsine? Gross.

He walked towards me and gave me a cup of milk and said eat up.

"What?" I questioned him scrunching up my eyebrows.

"This is your breakfast so eat up." He said with a straight face.

"You call this breakfast?" I said in an unbelievable voice.

"Yeah." He walked away closing the door behind him.

I sighed and then wondered how I'd eat this because my hands were tied up... great. I just slowly pushed the cup away refusing to eat because I couldn't trust him. I wonder how my parents were doing. They're probably worried out of their minds... what if they called the cops? Fear and worried rushed into my mind and I started fumbling with the ropes around my wrists trying to pry it off some how. I forgot I had my phone in my pocket until it vibrated. Thank goodness that I was flexible, I guess dancing pays off some how. I managed to get it out twisting and bending my bodies in all ways. When I glanced at the phone a smile found crossed my face.

From: Justin
Where are you? I called your brother to ask if you were home but he said that you haven't come home since yesterday afternoon. Your parents are worried sick.

To: Justin
Help me.

I suddenly felt a hotness inside of me until my vision became blurred. The next thing I know I'm finding myself sobbing with hot tears streaming down my face. I really hoped I got out of this place as soon as I could. Suddenly I heard a bang of the door from out of the garage and in the house. To my surprise the door flew open and I saw Jusin standing with a furious and sorry face in my direction. He ran down the steps and came towards me starting to untie my ropes. I guess he noticed the blood stains on the rope because he furrowed his eyebrows with worry. After he untied them he grabbed my hand and started walking fiercely. When we were about to go out, the kidnapper whom I didn't know the name to yet, blacked us off.

"Woah... where do you think you two are going?" He said with an evil grin on his face.

"Getting away from you McCann." Justin said in a stern voice.

"Heh, you think you can get away that easily?" McCann chuckled shaking his head. "I'm disappointed in you Bieber. You bring an innocent girl like this into this mess... especially into your life." He still chuckled. I could feel Justin tensing up as his body stiffened and his hands curled up into his fist.

"You better back off McCann, we wouldn't want another fight to happen now do we?" Justin said cautiously, holding himself back the urge to punch McCann in the face. But of course the next thing I know is hearing stumbling and punching. I was terrified by this and backed away slowly into a corner where I wish I could become invisible. Tears welled up in my eyes again and I cried silently thinking "how did all this happen to me?".

"Now take that McCann. I hope you learned a lesson to not mess with someone I care about." Justin frowned with anger upon the sight of McCann doubled up in pain.

"I-I'm sorry. But you know I wasn't going to hurt her, I wasn't even going to lay a hand on her." McCann winced from the pain of Justin's punch.

"I know McCann, I know. But I knew what you would've done something else just to make me feel hopeless. You were going to make her fall in love with you." Justin said in a calm voice but his chest still moving up and down. From there, Justin and I walked away.

We both sat in the car the whole ride home in silence until I broke out sobbing. Justin sighed parking a few feet away from my house. He looked at me with a glance of sorrow but I just continued on sobbing.

"Why did this happen to me... huh?" I said in between sobs.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen to you." I shook my head though because he was wrong.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Justin. This didn't happen because of you. But all I want to know is why me? Why did that guy have to take me out of all the people in the world." I put my hand on the car door ready to open it. The second I was about to get out, Justin grabbed my wrist. I winced in pain because of the burns and cuts.

"Oh, right. I'm sorry babe." He said with sorriness.

"Babe? Now your calling me babe?" I spat out in disappointment.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"No." I shook my head, "I just... there's just a lot going on in such a short time and... I need to get back home before my parent's worry even more." I walked out and shut the car door and started walking away without a good bye.