Bruises in Miniature Form

Yes, this is a fight

“I’m sorry Max. Bryan and I aren’t dating, I was angry at you and so I said shit I shouldn’t of”

Yah. That would work, right?
I mean, he’d forgive me for that honest explanation. He just had to.
At the campsite Max brooded in his chair, though upon seeing me he leaped to his feet and stomped towards me.

“Before you bitch and yell; I’m sorry. I just wanted to get you angry because you’re always doing it to me; I just went about it wrong!” I breathed out quickly.
There, that wasn’t so hard was it?
“You’re such an idiot!” he grumbled, throwing his hands up into the air.
“This is exactly why I said that! YOU’RE AN ASSHOLE!” I shouted in his face.
“I am not an asshole” He scoffed, rolling his eyes up into the air.
“Oh really? You don’t think it’s an asshole thing to steal a girl’s underwear, read her diary, force her to make a fool of herself at her own mothers wedding and bitch at her for nothing!? I’m sorry, but you Maxwell Green are an asshole”
Pouting his lips together Max childishly answered me, “You started it”
“How the hell did I start it!?”
“None of your business”
“You’re impossible!”
“And you’re a bitch” Max countered venomously.
“Then from now on, don’t talk to me”
“Fucking hell, just start making out already!” Ronnie cut into our argument, tossing his hair around his head in a nod.
“I’m not making out with that asshole”
“Too bad, you already did” Max smirked my way.
“I did NOT make out with you!”

Max laughed until I tackled him to the ground, punching his chest repeatedly until I was hauled off him and hanging in the air.
Arms were wrapped tightly around my waist and when I glanced over my shoulder I saw Robert staring back.

“Apologise right now to each other” He demanded.
“I’ve nothing to be sorry for!” Max snapped at his friend.
“If you don’t apologise, I’m getting Omar to throw you into the river and drowning you,” Robert snapped, “Now apologise”
“I’m sorry Max,” I started, “Sorry you’re an asshole and that I’m a ‘bitch’ to you”
“What the hell kind of apology is that!?” Max yelled back.
“The only one you’re getting!!” I snapped and struggled to free myself from Robert to attack him once more.
Adrenaline was coursing through my veins, making my sight go narrow and hazy upon Max.
“Yah, well I’m sorry you’re a bitch and can’t stop being a goody-goody!”
“Properly apologise, dammit” Robert huffed, “’Cause I’m about ready to drown the both of you”
Sighing, I realised Max and I had ruined the camping trip for the four other males.
“I’m sorry”
Robert released me then and patted my shoulder, “See, not so hard. Now Max, you too”
His lips moved though no sound came out, his blue eyes struggling to remain on his friends face though they darted to the ground more than once.
Ronnie thumped him hard on the back and the words blurted out louder, “I’m sorry!”
“Good, now for the rest of this trip if either of you have anything to say to the other it will be nice. Otherwise you will shut your mouths and keep it to yourself, got it?”
“Yea, whatever” Max grumbled and I bobbed my head in a nod.
“Cool, now, we’re going to go to bed now and in the morning everyone’s going to act like best buddies”

How the hell did Robert act so mature in these situations when he hung out with Max?
Then again, someone has to be mature when hanging out with Max.
I climbed silently into the tent I shared with Bryan and watched him grin as he entered behind me.
His body flopped onto the mattress and face sunk into his pillow.
Leaning back I rubbed at my sore eyes, exhaustion taking over my body.

“Think you can manage being nice to him?” Bryan chuckled into his soft pillow.
“If he can be nice back, yeah,” I replied, “I really am sorry for ruining this trip for everyone else”
“Don’t be. Max didn’t help the situations. Now get some sleep, tomorrow your gonna have to bite your tongue a lot
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It's on the short side but your all about to witness a 'nice' Max. Think its possible?
Double update, Good huh? :D

Also, anyone know some good John O'Callaghan (John Ohh) stories?