The Night Life

Chapter 1

In a small town like Roseville, things aren’t kept a secret for very long. With all the nosey old women
that gossiped at their “book-clubs” and the men that hung out at the barber shop, one was lucky to
keep something down for a more than a month or two. Somehow though, Selena had managed to
live in Roseville for almost two years and had never been bothered. Of course it probably helped that
she didn’t ever walk around outside before night fall, she knew a lot of the older citizens of the
community believed she was a druggie, while the younger people said that she just knew how to
party. But neither were the case. Selena was a vampire, an old vampire. 2,500 years old to be
exact. She had a normal job like most people, she bartended at a very popular nightclub in the
newer part of town about 2 nights a week. That combined with her fortune she had collected over
the years meant she was pretty well off.
Selena pulled walked up her driveway, she was just getting back from a hunt, her raven hair fell in
messy waves over her shoulders, her commando boots made little noise on the concrete steps as she
made her way up to the front door.
The second she walked in, she smelled him. A wide grin spread across her face and she whipped
into the living room.
There he was. Her oldest and most loyal friend Kristopher sat on her couch, flipping through the T.V
channels, in his hand he held a wine glass filled with a red liquid that was obviously not wine.
“Kristopher my love, it has been too long!” She flew into his lap and wrapped her arms around his
neck. He returned the gesture, chuckling softly. “Two years, Selena, is a mere two months for one
as old as you.”
Selena frowned and cut her eyes at Kristopher, “First you show up at my house without letting me
know were coming into town, then you call me old. You’re SO nice” she went to stand up, but his
hands caught her waist and he kissed her cheek. “Come now love, you know I’m only joking.”
Selena scoffed, “You’ve been in London for too long.” She teased referring to his developing English
Kristopher rolled his eyes and sniffed, “College student huh?”
Smiling Selena licked her lips and flipped her hair. “He wasn’t going to make it past the first
semester, and then his parents would’ve cut him off when they found out about his drug abuse. Plus
it’s not like he went out screaming in pain…I think he uh…rather enjoyed it.” She replied with a wink.
Kristopher shook his head, “Oh don’t judge me!” Selena snapped, “I drink from bags when I need to, I
don’t kill all the time. But it’s a great stress reliever. And since you left I don’t know who to go to for
weed, the youth around here don’t know where to get the strong stuff.”
“I’ve been meaning to ask you about that. It seems like you have made some new friends? Felix
Cooper and Ava Mincer I believe?” Kristopher asked now staring at the T.V.
“Well yes, Felix and Ava are humans but how would you…” Selena trailed off and stood quickly,
glaring at Kristopher.
“How fucking long have you been in town?!” she demanded. Kristopher, sipped from his glass, his
gaze still on the television.
“I got here last night, followed your sent trail to that lovely little night club owned by that coven of
witches. Astrid I believe is the one you worked with last night? Ava and Felix don’t work there; they
just hang out on nights you work. It’s rather sweet.”
Selena let out an exasperated sigh, and tapped her foot on the floor; though it was moving so fast
there was barely any break in between her boot and the floor. “You know I love you and that’s
exactly why I’m not mad. But you could’ve at least told me you were here! I mean, where did you
find a place to rest today?”
Kristopher shrugged, “I have my resources, and I didn’t tell you I was here because one, it wasn’t the
right time and two, I wasn’t sure if I was staying or not.”
A stabbing pain went right through Selena’s undead heart. “What do you mean?”
“Exactly what I said.”
By the tone of his voice Selena knew the conversation was over, he would tell her on his own time,
and she had learned the hard way to not push him for an answer unless absolutely necessary.
“Well then. If you’re done being a quiet, mopey, Edward Cullen,” at that Kristopher glared at her, but
she sat down next to him on the couch anyway. “Tell me what it was like in London. Gods know I
haven’t been there in almost one hundred years.”
Selena always got funny looks when she said Gods, rather than God. She had gotten used to it about
50 years into the renaissance time, however she still found it funny that even those who didn’t have a
religion judged her for her beliefs. As if God and Jesus were more realistic and believable than Zeus
or Poseidon. She was not one to judge, but to her the Gods and Goddesses of Ancient times were
much more attentive and close to their worshipers. They didn’t go against science and philosophy.
They encouraged it, and led those who wanted truth down the right path.
Kristopher’s snapping fingers broke her train of thought. “Selena I assure you, if you let me get more
than two words out before getting lost in thought, you will realize that Present Day London isn’t near
as boring as it seems in the papers.”
Giving a soft smile, Selena apologized, and Kristopher continued on about how London has changed,
and how he managed to sneak into the Royal Wedding celebration once the sun had set.
He was usually a quiet man, but around Selena he was an open book. She liked knowing that he was
that comfortable around her, than again after being inseparable for 2,494 years, she would hope that
they were close.
She played with his blonde curls as he spoke, oh how she had missed that, and his soft blue eyes that
could practically read every emotion she had ever felt. He was truly her best friend.
When Kristopher finished his story, he asked Selena about hers.
“Well for me, the past 2 years have been a party. I bartend about two nights a week, sometimes
three if they need me, and if I’m not the one hosting the party, I find someone that is. However I do
enjoy lounging around and reading one of my books. A lot of the time Felix and Ava are over here,
we have a movie night every Wednesday, then while Ava begs me for stories about my many
adventures, Felix is busy watching Youtube videos or looking for a new female friend to keep him
busy for the rest of the night.”
Kristopher laughed and shook his head. “Humans.”
Selena nodded her head slightly, “They are rather loveable though. You must meet them sometime
Kristopher went to open his mouth in response but Selena cut him off, “Oh and there is one more
thing-“ but she was interrupted by a knock on her door.
She sniffed the air and went stiff.
Kristopher frowned and went to go answer it.
“No! Don’t worry about it I’m sure it’s just a prank”
He looked at Selena with that ‘Really? That’s the worst lie ever’ look and she groaned, sliding down
into the couch trying to disappear.
Kristopher was at the door in a flash, and anger flooded him instantly when he saw who stood
outside Selena’s door.
“Mason.” He growled.
A vampire with dark brown hair and green eyes smiled back at him,
“Hello Kristopher.”
“Why are you here?” Kristopher barked, starting to bend the doorknob he was grasping it so tightly.
Mason flashed a cocky smile.
“Why…I’m here for Selena of course”
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Hey guys!! Soooo tell me what you think I guess lol obviously a work in progress xpp haha