Status: Semi-active. Update when I can...

Send Me Your Amnesty

Part Three: The In Between Years (Chapter 7)

June 2007 Dear Felicity,
Congratulations Karsh and Grant on another child.
Joey is now in a band. All that drumming is finally paying off. He’s now drumming actual songs, and he and his band mates write songs and practice every day. It’s quite a touching thing to watch. It’s just something special, you know? He’s become a great drummer. I mostly stay out of their way, musically. I’ve given Joey a few pointers on the drums and tips about being in a band, but mostly they’ve got a grasp on it and I just love watching them practice; it reminds me of me and Mike (my best friend since I was 10 and bassist for Green Day) when we were little kids.
Jakob is my little athlete! We’re right in the middle of baseball season and this time I’m helping coach his team! It’s so great. Jakob plays 2nd, sometimes 1st base and hits like a monster! He hits it way out in the outfield and it usually earns him a double or triple. I’m so proud of my boys! It’s been a great summer! ~Billie Joe

August 2007 Dear Billie Joe,
Amnesty is a teenager. She just turned 13. I have a teenage daughter…and so will you, in six months. I managed to throw her a surprise birthday party at Tropicanoe Cove (a small local water park). I asked Amnesty what she wanted to do for her birthday and I completely ignored her request. But I told her I’d work something out; she planned her party while I planned her actual party. It was jackpot when she handed me a guest list. Is it just me, or is it getting harder and harder to find out who your kids’ friends are…? I called each guest up and told them to say yes to Amnesty’s invitation, but don’t tell her about what is actually happening. I told Karsh about it and he basically took over, with the help from Grant. I got all the guests and he and Grant reserved the water park, got decorations, and even offered to make the cake. I went ahead and said yes to the cake, even though I make all of Amnesty’s birthday cakes, but I didn’t want ANY suspicion because “her party” wasn’t for a another week.
The day of the party I played it cool. She got up and had a normal breakfast and she asked, “What are we gonna to do today?”
And I said, “Well it’s gonna be pretty hot today, how about we go to the water park one last time before it closes for the season?”
She said yes and we casually drove to the park. We entered the park and all her friends and jumped out and nearly scared Amnesty. She was so surprised. I can’t believe I pulled it off! She had a great birthday. ~Felicity
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I apologize for the short chapter and for not updating... You see I written in a few months, and I'm running low on pre-written chapters. I'm trying to space uploading time so I can get some writing done