Status: Incomplete/On-going/Active for your Eyes!

Blood Spells


After I had left out of Innocentia’s room with a worried gaze, I went back into the game room. Jonah and Cam were both looking at me as if expecting answers I wasn’t going to give; all I did was shake my head at them before picking up my controller again and pressing the play button. We had just started playing Need For Speed when Kyle had yelled for me, panicking, telling me to get to Innocentia’s room because something was wrong with her.

After I was asked – told – to leave by Innocentia, I went back downstairs to Cam and Jonah while ignoring their questions and just picking up a control. We played some more before Jonah and Cam left. Kyle did the same a few minutes ago and he looked really worried. I decided on doing my homework but I wasn’t really able to concentreate.

Thoughts of what could have been possibly wrong were filling my head, as well as Innocentia’s previous screams. I had never heard her scream that loudly, not even when she burned her hand two years ago. Other thoughts; more dangerous and mysterious tried to enter my brain but I pushed them away. I had to be wrong. I just had to.

All I really wanted to do was sleep even though I knew a sleepless night was waiting for me.


It was around seven pm when my parents came home. I already knew something was off before they said something because they were home early and because they had the ‘something is wrong’ face on that most parents have for dire situations.

“What are you guys doing home early?” I asked them even though I probably didn’t want the answer to that particular question. They looked at me when I spoke but they looked distracted like something was plaguing them and they didn’t know how to deal with it.

“Nothing. Where’s Innocentia?” Mom had asked me while dad gave her a look. I couldn’t fully read it but I knew it was about me and I didn’t like that they were keeping secrets from me but I couldn’t say anything without being a hypocrite.

“Upstairs in her room,” I told them. Mom was upstairs before I finished my sentence though.

“Careful! I think she’s sleeping!!” I called up the steps for mom to hear. I turned to dad and kept my face neutral, “What’s going on dad?”

“Nothing for you to worry about Nao. It’s just something between your mom and Innocentia; meanwhile you and me, we’re going to have a chat,” dad told me and I just knew I had a confused look on my face.

“About?” I asked him. I most likely knew what this was about but I wasn’t going to spoil his fun. Dad was my favorite of my parents, like mom was to Innocentia.

“The strange things that’s been happening that you’d rather not tell me or your mother, and probably your sister about,” dad told me and I looked up at him.

“How did you know about them?” I asked him.

“Cause they happened to me too,” he replied. I was staring into his face wondering if I had heard him right.

Did he really mean what I thought he meant? Or was I wrong?
♠ ♠ ♠
So I'm sorry for not updating in like three years but I was grounded and school work called. Anyway here's the next chapter and I'm sorry it's so short but ya know my short chapters are often important ones. And I left y'all on a cliff-hanger which was mean and so unexpected of me because this chapter wrote itself. Peace loves! XD