Edge of Destruction

Everything is black I think I am deceased

I storm out of the club with Colson right on my tail. My hands are shaking because of my nerves and pent up anger I have raging inside of me right now. I yell out in anger before cocking my arm back and punching the nearest brick wall. In retrospect, it wasn’t the smartest thing I’ve done. Seconds later, I let out a cry of agony before collapsing onto the concrete; clucking my left hand. Colson runs over to me, kneeling down next to me.

“I meet one of my favorite rappers and he faces the wrath of my brother.” I humorlessly chuckle. “Tonight didn’t end well at all.”

“He’s just looking out for you.” He assures me, “it must be nice to have someone like him in your corner.”

“When I was younger it was amazing,” I begin to explain, “but when I started getting older he stopped being the brother I needed. It was like he cared more about his girlfriend or his band.”

“That’s when you started doing things that would have gained his attention, huh?” I just simply nod before resting my head against the brick wall behind me.

“He’s not a failure. “I tell Colson. “He’s an amazing boyfriend, father and even brother. If anything I’m the failure. I ruined his life. I’m the reason why he constantly has to watch me to make sure I don’t relapse. I’m the reason why his girlfriend left with their daughter. I’m the reason why my niece can’t be with her dad. I’m a horrible person.” Tears form in my eyes and before I know, I’m full blown crying in front of a complete stranger. Colson pulls me close to him and I rest my head on his shoulder.

“You’re not a failure, you’re only human.” He assures me. “We make mistakes we just got to learn from them.”

“I don’t want to go on this tour.” I admit to him. “I can’t be stuck on a bus with George or even Lilly for that matter. It’s going to be fights after fights. I’m going to lose my mind and take everyone down with me.”

“Well if you have any fights with your brother, you can always hang with me.” Colson suggests, causing me to laugh.

“You’re suggesting I hang out with someone who constantly smokes weed and drinks with his crew?” I question, “I’m a recovering addict. I’m still in the process of mastering mind over matter. I can’t be around temptation.”

“Yet you’re going on a tour where its everywhere?” He scoffs as he pushes me away and gets up off the ground, “that makes no fucking sense. Your friends probably smoke about as much weed as I do.”

“They’re not going to smoke it around me.” I point out, “they’re not going to through temptation in my face.”

“You’re friends are drinking in front of you, how isn’t that throwing temptation in your face?”

“You’re making it seem like I’m a lush, I’m not!” I exclaim, as I jump up onto my feet. “I love how you were so fucking nice and your turned into the biggest dick ever!”

Before Colson could even say anything, Matt and Kacey walk out of the club. Matt looks at Colson then at me, noticing my bleeding and broken hand and lets out a groan. “You really have your brother’s temper.”

“Whatever,” I mutter. I’m clearly not in the mood for this. “can you take me home?”

“No,” he replies quickly, “I’m taking you to the hospital to get your hand checked out.” He walks over to me and grabs my arm before guiding me to his car with Kacey behind us.


Matt drops Kacey off at George’s house before taking me to the hospital. Both of us are sitting in a busy LA hospital emergency room, waiting for my name to be called. Adrenaline leaves my body which means the pain in my hand starts setting in, brining tears to my eyes.

“This has nothing to do with Kells, does it?” He asks.

“No, I punched the wall before we got into a fight.” I reply. “The fight was so stupid. He got offended because I told him I couldn’t hang out with him on tour.”

“It’s probably for the best anyway.” Matt tells me, “George wasn’t happy with you flirting with him.”

“Apparently I can’t have fun anymore.” I roll my eyes, “how long am I going to be punished for messing up?”

“He’s not punishing you, Aria.” Matt tells me, “he’s just going to overprotective mode because he’s afraid to lose you. You didn’t see him when you flat lined for a couple seconds. He was in the ambulance with you and you nearly died on route. He doesn’t want to go through that again.”

“I didn’t know I almost died.” I admit to him, “no one told me that.”

“George made the doctors not tell you.” He tells me, “not many people know you almost died. Only the band and your mother and Connor know. Why do you think none of us have a problem being on babysitting duty.”

“I don’t want to be treated like a child.” I sniff, wiping tears from my eyes. “I want everything to go back to normal. I wish I could turn back time.”

“All of us have a mistake we wish we could erase, Aria. But sometimes that mistake leads us to a different outcome.”

“When did you get this wise?” I ask him, causing a laugh to escape his lips. “I think I’m going to start going to you for advice instead of always going to Jordon…” He just laughs before putting an arm around me and pulling me close to him and kissing my temple. That’s the one thing I love about my brother’s bandmates, they’re family….


Matt drops me off at home after I get a cast put on my hand and prescribed painkillers. I hug Kacey as I walk into the house as she’s walking out. I see Lilly passed out on the couch. I bite my lower lip as I head up stairs to my room. When I open the door I see George sitting on my bed with my cats curled up around him. He’s looking at one of the many photo albums that I have in my room. I clear my throat, causing George to look up at me and his eyes immediately looks at the cast.

“What happened?” He asks, jumping to his feet and rushing over to me.

“I punched a brick wall.” I reply, earning a laugh from him. “Matt thinks we have the same temper.”

“That’s one bad thing you got from hanging around me.” He admits. “You’re alright though? Everything’s fine.”

“It comes off in 7 weeks but other than that; the doctor said I was fine.” I reply.

“That’s great.” He says, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck. “You should get some sleep, we’ve got to get up early.”

“Good George.” I tell him.

“Nigh Ria.” He smiles before walking out of my room and closing the door behind him…
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chapter title credit: D3MONS by MGK ft DMX