Status: be patient with me if I don't update fast, please. I haven't written an actual story, that's not a one-shot, in FOREVER.

Unexpected Beautiful

Prologue: August 11-12, 2013

Elliott was in the kitchen in her apartment finding something to eat and deciding on crunchy Cheetos, when she heard the sound of her laptop ringing. She raised her eyebrow wondering who could be trying to Skype her at three in the morning. None of her friends here in the States would be up at this time. Grabbing the Cheetos, she rushed down the hallway, flopping onto her bed to answer the Skype call. Clicking on the little “accept call” button, she saw the faces of four of her friends in England pop up.

“Elliott!” Her four friends chorused, excitedly.

“Lottie! Georgie! Amelie! Bryony! What are you all doing awake at eight in the morning!?”

“We’re way too excited to sleep!” Lottie exclaimed. Elliott raised her eyebrow at them, curious. “We can’t keep this a secret anymore! So you know how we’ve been talking about you coming over here when you got the chance?” Elliott nodded. “Well… WE BOUGHT YOU A PLANE TICKET TO COME OUT HERE FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY! You leave tonight at nine your time, so you need to get packing. Like now.”

“I’m- what!?”

“You. are. coming. to. England.” Bryony drawled sarcastically.

“Now get packing! We’re all so excited to see you!” Lottie squealed, ending the Skype call.


The screech of the speaker coming to life jumped Elliott awake and she stretched in her seat, thankful that she was able to sleep the entire seven hour flight, since she hadn’t slept at all during the day.

“Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to London Heathrow Airport. Local time is ten past nine in the morning and the temperature is eighteen degrees celsius. For your safety and comfort, we ask that you please remain seated with your seat belt fastened until the Captain turns off the Fasten Seat Belt sign. This will indicate that we have parked at the gate and that it is safe for you to move about. Be careful when opening overhead bins, as items tend to shift during flight. If this is your final destination on Virgin Atlantic, your baggage can be claimed at Carousel 5. At this time, you are welcome to use your cellphones if they are readily accessible. On behalf of everyone here at Virgin Atlantic, we would like to thank you for joining us on this trip and hope you fly with us again soon. Have a nice stay!”

As Elliott turned on her phone, the seat belt sign turned off and she smiled at the mass of incoming text messages of excitement from her four friends. Most of them were from Lottie, her best friend.

I’m here! Just waiting to get off the plane. Meet me at Carousel 5. So excited to see all of you xx

Elliott stood up after swinging her backpack onto both shoulders, moving into the aisle. Opening the bin above her head, she maneuvered her carry-on out of the bin and set it on the aisle, lifting the handle to roll it along behind her. Luckily, she was at the front of the plane, so the wait to get off the plane was little to none. As she made her way out of the gate and to the Carousel, she couldn’t help but be nervous. She’d met Lottie before, but all the other girls hadn’t been able to visit her two years ago in Brooklyn.

Once she caught sight of the Carousel, she could see Lottie jumping up and down, waving enthusiastically. Before she could even make it to the group of her friends, Lottie tackled her in a death grip.

“Oh my God, you’re finally-” Lottie got distracted by a head of messy chestnut curls behind Elliott. “El, by any chance… Was Harry Styles on your flight?”

“Um, I don’t know? I slept the entire flight. Who is Harry Styles, anyways?”

“I could’ve sworn I just saw him walking like his trousers were on fire. Wait- YOU DON’T KNOW WHO HARRY STYLES IS!?”

Elliott just shook her head.

“I’d like to shag that bloke up against my fridge.” Bryony piped in, a cheeky smirk making its way onto her face.

“Blimey, Bryony! You’re going to scare the poor girl off.” Amelie said, her eyes narrowing playfully at Bryony before turning back to Elliott. “You want to get out of here? I know the perfect place to get breakfast.”

“That sounds wonderful! Let’s just get my luggage.”

“Already got them! Now let’s get out of here.” Georgie walked up to them, hauling them behind her.
♠ ♠ ♠

Ahh, so I'm finally writing again! I'm kind of in love with the idea I have for this story. And I hope you all will love it, along with Elliott and Harry. I already adore the relationship they're going to have. I just hope I can pull it off!
I promise that the one and only Harry Styles will make his appearance in chapter one. Now as to when that will be up, I don't know. I just wanted to get this little prologue that I wrote up tonight, up. I want to get ahead in writing the chapters, so that when I go to post one, I already have a few stored up! So, please be patient with me.
Now, for ship names. I've been thinking Ellirry. But what are your ideas? I'd love to know them.
And I'd love to hear your thoughts on this so far.

-Emmah xx