We're Not Broken, Just Bent


“I know you’re doing me a favor, but if you could expedite the biopsy.” Dr. Daley placed his hand on my shoulder. It was the quintessential doctor hand that we all learned how to do.

“Bailey, this is my priority today.” I nodded at his reassuring tone. He let go of my shoulder with a tiny smile, the tiny doctor smile, and walked away from the room Mark was recovering in. I opened the door to the private room and had to remember to act professional as I saw him lying in the hospital bed. It wasn’t a scene I was really prepared for at the moment. He was hooked up to the basic machines so the nurse’s could monitor his vitals.

“Hey.” The word was quiet and a little drawn out from Mark as he began to wake up from the anesthesia.

“Hey there Ruffles.” I joked with the old nickname as I pulled the visitor’s chair closer to his bed and sat down.

“How do I look?” His eyes were half closed and he looked sleepy as he tried to motion towards his head that had been shaved closely for the operation.

“Not too shabby.” He did a lazy, half smile and breathed in deeply.

“We should have results for you in no time.” He seemed to become more aware of where he was as his eyes opened up a little more and he looked around the room. His eyes landed on me finally as he shifted in his bed.

“I miss you Bailey.” His words caught me completely off guard as I sat on the edge of the seat with my hands clasped in my lap.

“I’m right here.” I thought maybe the anesthetic hadn’t worn off completely. I could write a book about the shit I have heard from people waking up from surgery.

“I know, I just meant I miss you in my life. I don’t like not being friends. It isn’t the same.” He closed his eyes for a long moment before blinking hard and finding my stare again.

“That was kind of the point of us not being friends, something had to change.” I answered not really wanting to get into this, not now with him lying in my hospital.

“I’m sorry.” If I had a dollar for every sincere apology from this man’s mouth I would never have to work another day in my life.

“I know. I also know that you never meant to hurt me, just like I wish I could take back some of the things I said to you.” He reached out for my hand, a subtle gesture, but I couldn’t ignore it. I grabbed his hand in my own and he squeezed my fingers lightly.

“I deserved every word you ever said to me the last time I saw you.” I was staring at the floor at this point.

“Let’s not talk about this right now. Let’s just worry about you.” He reached over with his other hand and enclosed my hand in both of his.

“Okay.” He answered simply as I made eye contact with him, again. He had a sad expression on his face and I couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. He was in a hospital scared shitless of his future, holding the hand of his ex-best friend, and a girlfriend who was pissed off at him for seeking my help.

“Do you have other patients to see?” He was more awake now and shifted so he was sitting up as he let go of my hand. I leaned back into my own seat and crossed my legs.

“No, I cleared my schedule.”

“Aw Bales, you didn’t have to do that.” He reached up to his head and felt out his new haircut.

“Easy.” I stood up and grabbed his hand as he was coming up to his stitches.

“Don’t want to pull those out.” I sat back down, as he was a little more careful now as he gingerly touched the bandage on his head.

“Hello Mr. Ruffalo, I’m Betty and I’m your nurse. Now, what would you like to eat?” I smiled at Betty as she returned it and grabbed the menu for patients from under her arm and placed it in front of Mark.
“You taking some time off?” She asked as Mark was looking over the menu.

“Yeah, just a couple of days.” She nodded as he told her what he wanted to eat, he was a weird case seeing as most of my patients weren’t this awake or hungry when they got out of surgery.

“Honey, you need to take a couple of weeks off with the schedule you have.” She called over her shoulder as she stepped out of the door with a smile.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” I muttered under my breath.

“Gee, you must be busy. Even the nurses tell you to take a vacation.” I smiled at Mark and absentmindedly played with my badge on my coat.

“Yeah well, you don’t get to be the head of neuro without working your ass off.” He nodded and sighed as he looked at me.

“Hey, why don’t you call your mom and tell her you’re doing okay. I’m going to go change and then I’ll be back.” I stood up and grabbed his bag full of his stuff and put it on the tray.

“Yeah, I’ll do that.” He pulled his cell phone out after rummaging around.

“What happens when I leave?” His question made me look at him in surprise.

“I’m sorry?” He was fidgeting with his phone as he avoided my stare.

“I know you’re acting like this because I’m sick, but if I’m okay and when I leave do we just keep going on not being friends?” I honestly didn’t know how to answer that right now.

“I don’t know.” He frowned and continued to fidget around.

“Are you still mad at me or is it because of Sunrise?”

“The fact you even have to ask about Sunrise makes me think she wouldn’t be happy if I was back in your life permanently. Let’s just get through this and we’ll see what happens.” He nodded but continued to frown.

“I’ll be right back, call your mom.” I gestured to his phone and tried my best to smile. If there was one thing I hated with a passion it was to see Mark upset. I was getting my fair share of seeing it these past couple of days and I didn’t like it one bit.
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I forgot he was in View From the Top, it was a nice surprise when I watched it today :)