Status: Active, but this will only be a short story.

Our Convenient Downfall

With The Parents Away, Kids Will Play

"Now if you have any problems, if you think the baby is coming, if you can't cope, if you need me for anything at all, you will make contact won't you Georgiana?" Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy stood in their hall with multiple bags around them, their son and his wife were assuring them they would be fine for two weeks by themselves.

"Nothing will happen, the baby won't come yet and if I go into labour I will just get Draco to help, won't you?" She nudged him, he looked slightly horrified.

"If she goes into labour I will personally come and find you Mum." Georgiana grinned.

"Narcissa my Mum is here too, if anything happens she can deal with it." Narcissa frowned slightly.

"I don't want to miss the baby coming! Now you aren't going to go and find out what the baby is, are you?" The elder Witch had one hand on her shoulder, the other on the baby bump.

"I promise I won't find out the sex of the baby until it comes out. I also will not buy anything for the nursery until you get back." Narcissa smiled and picked up a bag.

"Ok, we'll go. Anything at all,"

"We will contact you by owl, floo and I will send your son to find you." Eventually they left. Georgiana squealed.

"We are Lord and Lady of the Manor for two weeks." She put on a posh voice before giggling. "I am wearing pjs to breakfast tomorrow! Let's have people over, we could have a party."

"A party? You moaned about New Years Eve not that long ago."

"It won't be too late, besides they can all stay here so I don't need to wait for them to leave. I'm also demanding the goblins bring breakfast in bed and I am never changing for a meal." She grinned as she headed in to the dining room for lunch.

"I thought you were going casual for food?" He slowly followed her in.

"I am starting tomorrow and I am sitting in your Mothers seat. Today I am going to plan a get together. We aren't inviting your friends, just mine."

"It's my house."

"But I haven't seen my friends in months, they refuse to come see me since I married. Oh bugger. Well fine we'll just invite your friends, but if they annoy me I will hex them and there is nothing they can do because I am with child." She emphasized the last word, rubbing her hands over her stomach. He smirked as she quickly scoffed down some food before disappearing and coming back with stacks of parchment.


The next morning Georgiana woke unusually early, she groaned at the idea of getting up for breakfast, then realised she was going to breakfast in her pyjamas and didn't feel so bad. She got up and went to the bathroom, he was still sleeping when she came back out.

"Draco." She sang his name out but he didn't stir. She sat on the edge of the bed beside him.
"Draco, are you coming down to breakfast? You need to get up, your dumb friends are coming today." Her hands began running through his hair.
"Please wake up, I'm starving."

He stirred beneath the covers, Georgiana concluded she was in the "Showering with affection" mood today and pulled the covers down slightly, exposing his face.

"If you don't wake up soon I shall be forced to eat your face." The corners of his mouth turned up slightly. She climbed off the bed, turned around and leant back over it again. Gently she began kissing his face, he still didn't move, she then began kissing down his neck, as she did this she slipped a hand under the covers, slowly moving it across his chest.

"You are really hungry today, aren't you?" She grinned as she stopped kissing.

"I'm starving, plus I don't need to get dressed today. We're rebelling in the most pathetic way!" He grinned stretching himself in bed before resting his hands behind his head.

"I'm not ready to have breakfast yet. Persuade me." Georgiana stood and walked towards the door. She turned and leant her back against the door.

"Here's the thing, I am in such an overly affectionate mood today, if we have breakfast now, then I will have plenty of free time before our guests arrive. However if you force me to wait, after breakfast I will have no free time and will have to get dressed right away." She smirked slightly.

"Or you could spend your free time now?"

"I can't, if I don't eat I may faint, which is especially likely given I would be using up quite a substantial amount of energy. Also, I couldn't enjoy free time because I am so hungry." With an almighty sigh he sat up and swung his legs out of bed.

"I hope you realise the sacrifice I am making for you. I could have easily stayed in my bed. I hope you are going to remember this later on." She chuckled as he approached her, she moved away from the door and downstairs they went.

On entering the dining room, instead of taking their usual spaces between the Lucius and Narcissa, they sat at either end of the table. With a grin Georgiana sat down in Narcissa's usual seat as Draco sat down opposite her. For a moment they stared at each other, tentatively picking up a piece of food, soon the grins were gone.

"I don't like it." Georgiana muttered.

"I hate it." He answered.

"Maybe if we swap, I usually sit on your Fathers side." With that they both got up, walked on the opposite side of the table to the opposite chair.

Again they grinned for a moment.

"I still don't like it." She mused. "I feel more like a child than ever."

"You need to get used to it." He began helping himself to some food, at first not seeing the confused look on her face.

"I'm really not following."

"We can hardly let our guests sit at the head positions." She nodded and began helping herself.

"I don't like facing you when I'm eating." He grinned, "It's distracting, no it's putting me off my food."

"Gee, thanks."

"No what I mean is, it's just really weird. We never spend this much time face to face." Nevertheless she began to help herself to food.
"Your house is too quiet."

"When are they coming?"

"After lunch time."

"That reminds me, you need to find my Quidditch stuff." She scoffed.

"Why do you need it?"

"Well, obviously I am playing Quidditch this afternoon."

"Where?" He gave her a deadpan look.

"Our pitch." Georgiana dropped her cutlery.

"You have a Quidditch pitch?" He nodded, "You lot have more money than sense."

"So you need to find my stuff."

"Why do I need to find it? Find it yourself!"

"I can't, I don't know where it is! It got moved out for your crap."

"My crap? You mean the stuff that I didn't own, that your mother bought for me! That crap? In case you haven't noticed, I have more important things going on, find your own stuff." She began eating her food again.

"Of course, the pregnancy that stops you doing anything! I can't go out Draco, I'm pregnant. I can't have sex, I'm pregnant. I can't get dressed I'm pregnant." He mocked, "The way you go on, you would think nobody had ever been pregnant before!"

"Well guess what, I can't go back to bed today, I'm too pregnant! It's very Fucking tiring carrying a thing in me, I'm tired and I hate getting fat, so excuse me if I can't play perfect housewife, I really don't care what you think!" They glared at each other before continuing to eat, not looking towards the other.

"Fine, I'll find it myself." He muttered.

As they finished eating Georgiana had the overwhelming urge to throw something at him, she pulled her wand out of her pyjama pants and quickly sent a spray of water at his face. The look on his face was priceless as she starting laughing uncontrollably. When the water finished he glared at her.

"You better run." He muttered, she quickly got up and dashed as best she could up the stairs, she stopped when she had climbed up 10 stairs, he was quickly behind her, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Draco, wait, be fair. I really can't run." As she spoke she walked slowly backwards up the stairs.

"You should have thought of that sooner then, shouldn't you?" He ran his hands through his hair, pushing it off his face.

"Come on, it was just a joke, just a bit of fun." She smiled trying to ease the tension as she continued moving backwards, praying she kept her balance.

"It was very fun, now it's my turn." As she reached the top of the stairs she squealed and began to run along the corridor to the bedroom, she was nearly there when he grabbed her.

"Ok, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it!" He turned her around and lifted her up, putting his hands on the backs of her thighs.

She grinned wrapping her arms around his neck as he carried her into the bedroom, his face was unreadable but he wouldn't look at her. Her face faltered as instead of taking her to the bed he turned into the bathroom.

"Draco?" Her voice was cautious, "Draco, what are you doing?" For the first time he looked at her, his eyes glinting.

"Revenge." She squealed wrapping her legs around him.

"Oh come on! Please don't, Draco I'm not letting go." She tightened her grip as he stepped into the shower, letting go of one of her legs.

"But Gi, I'm already wet." With that the shower sprayed down on her, freezing cold water as she screamed. She tried to move but he still had a hold of her forcing her to stay there. Eventually she let go of him, he then let go of her other leg.

"I hate you." He smirked down at her as she turned it off. He pushed her wet hair away from her face, his hands stayed on the back of her head. "Don't even think about it." She warned

He did, he kissed her and with his hands on the back of her head, she had no escape. Reluctantly at first she began to kiss him back, he smirked again. Before she knew it they were removing their wet clothes. They did end up going back to bed and having another shower, to save water they may have shared.


It had turned out to be a beautiful but cold April afternoon. The women followed the men out the house and down to the garden where the Quidditch pitch was.

"I can't believe we have this! You would expect I would have found this since living here since August." Georgiana mused to the various women as they sat down in some small stands around the pitch.

"We used to come and watch them, when we were trying to secure them as Husbands. Why are we here now?" Pansy Zambini asked sitting beside Georgiana.

"We are being supporting wives! Or some rubbish like that." They watched as the game began, "Oh I almost forgot, congratulations Pansy, when are you due?" Pansy smiled placing her hands on her non-existent stomach.

"Thank you! Not until the start of September."

"How lovely, enjoy right now, it gets much worse." Georgiana rested her hands around her stomach.

"Have you had any weird cravings or horrible symptoms? How much longer do you have to go?"

" Just over two months. No actually, I've been lucky in that sense. Can't look in the mirror though, I thought I would love the growing stomach, I hate it." Georgiana felt something flickering at her ear, she went to swipe it away and instead found her hand surrounding it. She instantly knew what it was, she slipped it into her coat pocket.

"How long do you think we have to watch them play?" Gregory Goyles' wife asked.

"You know ladies, I think they will be quite a while. Why don't we go inside and have some tea? I can't imagine the cold will be doing Pansy and I any good." With a grin Georgiana stood up and led the women back into the house.

They re-emerged two hours later, whilst she was amused she was starting to get bored, dinner would be soon. As they stood on the pitch side she called up.

"Honestly Draco, I know I said you were a rubbish seeker, but I at least expected you to prove me wrong!" With a grin. She watched as the men gathered together and discussing something before landing on the ground. It was evident from the slight bruising and cuts they didn't exactly play fair.

"What was the score?" One of the wives asked as the men began to walk past the women up to the house. Eventually Draco reached her, his broom over his shoulder, she was grinning.

"What are you looking so happy about?" She tried to stop but couldn't help it as her hand slipped into her pocket.

"I forgot, I found something." She then produced the elusive Snitch. Draco paused and stared at her.

"You've had it? All this time?" She nodded. "Gi, don't say anything, give it to me." She looked around at the leaving group.

"Who was the other seeker?" She slipped it back in her pocket before he could take it, she kept her hand over it.

"It was Nott. Gi, give it to me." He held out his hand.

"Theodore, I have something you'll want." With that she pulled out the Snitch and chucked it back towards the pitch. Both men went sprinting after it.

In the end Draco had proven he was a capable seeker after all.
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments please.

Thank you to past commenters,

Jenia who told me to sit my arse down and write, thank you.