Silent Song

The Beginning

I've never known why. I've always known I was different, but I've never known why. I wished someone would tell me.
The sickeningly pale yellow walls of the too-hot room sent a shiver down my spine; the hideously bright floral curtains distracted my attention long enough for me to catch a glimpse of a shadow. A figure. Frozen with fear, I was unable to tear my eyes away. I had lost the ability to control my own body. I stared at The Thing for several agonisingly long moments before eventually giving in to exhaustion and letting sleep carry me away to The Land of Dreams.
The figure was there in the dream, too. Only this time he was given a face, an identity. His eyes – light green and glassy – were as hard as marble, and contrasted with his tanned skin which looked smooth and softer than ice-cream. “Follow me” he whispered, his thin lips pulling back to reveal a previously hidden set of pearly white teeth that seemed sharp enough to puncture even the strongest of materials with incredible ease. The fringe of his choppy jet black hair fell in front of his eyes, as if to keep them a secret from the world. Then, without warning, my image of the silhouette wavered and vanished without a trace, leaving behind no evidence of his existence. Just as suddenly as the figure had, my dream disappeared too.
Since that moment, the mysterious figure has appeared in my dreams every single night. I didn’t even know his name. I didn't even know if he truly existed. I just knew he was there – watching me – every moment of the day, every moment of the night.