
Chapter Eight- Big Time Love

“So... Tell me a bit more about yourself, Logan.” I was laying down on the couch dressed in an extra-long shirt of Logan’s. I guess the truth-or-dare left me in a bit of a mischievous mood.
“What do you want to know? Anything really important can be found on Wikipedia, ha. Or any other search engine really.” He just went to change quickly into dry clothes. He scooted me against the couch, and he sat in front of my waist.
“I don’t know... Anything.” I sat up and put my right hand on his thigh.
“Well... Let’s see... My favorite animal is the white tiger; I was born on September 14, 1989, in Dallas-Ft. Worth, Texas; my favorite color is black; my middle name is Philip; my favorite band is The Clash; my favorite book is Norwegian Wood... Anything else?”
“Whoa, your favorite color is black? So is mine! Yeah, tell me a bit more.”
“Fine, in school I was the class clown.. And speaking of school.... Using your mind. I am very dirty minded.” He finished his sentence so low I barely heard him. But I did.
“You are, huh.” I smirked and moved my hand up his thigh about a centimeter. He smiled and took my hand. I became suspicious and a bit confused.
He brought my hand to his lips and he kissed my hand, then each of my fingers lightly. He then put my palm against his cheek, leaning into it. I smiled softly and made to move myself closer, but Logan stopped me. I became more confused than suspicious. He chuckled at my expression.
Logan moved closer to me, his face a few inches from mine. My pulse quickened. He moved even closer and pressed his lips against my forehead, his hand moving to cup my chin. His thumb stroked my cheek. I tilted my head upwards a bit. In response, he brought his lips to mine. From then on... Pure bliss! The millisecond his lips touched mine, I melted. This kiss was different. It didn’t have the ‘sex’ factor in it so much, but it was definitely creeping up. It had love mixed in, the desire for each other, and of course, the pure taste! This kiss was amazing, his lips were so sweet.
We broke off to catch our breath. Instead of kissing me again, he picked me up and had me stand for a moment while he laid down in my spot. I threw a leg over him and settled myself on his waist lightly. Logan smiled again and took my face in his hands. He brought me down so his lips could meet mine. It started out just like the first kiss, but grew to more. The urgency and desire went over the top. The love grew and blew over like a chemistry project gone crazy. I melted into him. Our lips were parted, our tongues entwined. His hands went down my back to my waist to my ass. I didn’t mind. In fact, I brought my hips to his. The shirt was between me and his jeans. I felt a bulge, but I was too occupied and distracted by our making out to actually realize what that bulge was. Took me a while. Once I realized what it was, I broke off the kiss and pulled away. Logan looked like he wanted much more, but was trying to control it. I leaned down...
“Aw, babe, relax. Enjoy yourself and let go.” I whispered in his ear. I ran one of my hands up and down his chest, I felt him relax completely under my touch. I kissed his lower jaw in response. His pelvic area moved up, pressing even more against me. I brought my lips back to his, and moved myself against Logan in response to his movement. He moaned, and the bulge seemed to grow under me.
“Think it’s time to move on?” I had pulled away again, even though I didn’t want to. Logan seemed to be needing something else.
“Maybe.. Can I?” Aw, so sweet: asking first. I slowly moved my hand down, down, down... I rubbed his boner lightly and again, Logan moaned.
I was about to go farther, but just then I heard a person running in our direction. Most likely James. I put my hands on either side of Logan’s chest after I fixed my shirt. I flipped my hair to the other side of my face and looked expectantly towards the door. James can handle that site I’m sure.
“Hey, Log-- .... Heyy, whoa there! Ya gettin’ some tonight, bro?” James stopped sharply once he saw us.
“Uh, hey, James. What do you need?” Logan twisted to look at James.
“Change of clothes. I remember I left a pair of jeans and a shirt here one time, I don’t wanna wear the same thing twice in a row.” James explained quickly while not looking at us. I rolled my eyes.
“Yeah, they’re in my dresser, on the left, first drawer on the left.”
“Thanks!” James jogged towards the staircase and got the clothes quickly. The door closed behind James, I relaxed. He’s gone!
But the mood was almost gone. In an attempt to bring it back, I kissed Logan on the lips again. He kissed me back and we went at it for a few more minutes, but James killed the mood. I ended up laying on his chest, my head tucked under his chin. I was so comfortable, with Logan’s arms wrapped around me, I felt like I could overcome anything, anyone. Even those two bitches at the college. We both fell asleep just like that. I don’t mind, though.

-Logan’s Point of View-
WOW! This girl is fantastic! She knows how to do everything practically. I thought I’d die when she stroked my dick before James RUDELY interrupted. James just ruined and killed the mood, but even with no mood, Anna and I brought it back. But not completely, we’re both tired. We fell asleep in utter contentment.

-Anna’s Point of View-
I woke up on the couch. Not in my bed. Why? I laid there for another moment. The memories came flooding in.
Oh. My. God!!
But didn’t I fall asleep on Logan’s chest? Where is he anyway? I sat up and stretched. Logan walked in then.
“Good morning, sleepyhead.” He walked over and sat down on the coffee table, and set two cups of coffee on it.
I smiled, rubbed my eyes, “Hi”
Logan just watched me intently, and sip of some his coffee.
“So, what are you going to do today?” I asked as I laid back down on his couch.
“Hmm, not sure yet, it’s our day off, until tomorrow.” Logan sitting on the couch, pulling my legs over his lap, “Why...what are your plans?”
“I'm not really sure. Kind of want to go to the beach. Haven’t really been there since I’ve gotten here.” I confessed, raising my arms over my head, smiling. Logan put his cup on the table, and hovered over me.
“Maybe I should take you to the beach then”
“Maybe. Or we could just stay here”
“Just for a little while.” Logan smirked and kissed my lips. I lightly wrapped my arms around his neck, and he lowered himself even more so his body was even closer to mine. He broke off. “Do you really want to get into that again now?”
I pouted. “Maybe... Won’t you let me?”
“It’s not that I won’t let you, it’s more like the middle of the day. Do you want to go anywhere or do you want to stay here? James and Sara will probably interrupt or drag us somewhere...” As usual, Logan was right. I sighed and pushed lightly against his chest. He got the message and got up off me. I sat up.
“Well, then. If we’re gonna go somewhere, I need to go home, to shower and change into some clean clothes.” I frowned. Cross the street in a long shirt? Won’t the neighbors notice?
Logan seemed to read my mind. “You can borrow a couple of my mom’s old clothes. I’m sure she has a shirt and shorts that fit you. As for bra...I think your bikini bra is dry by now.” Logan smirked. He started to walk for the bathroom before he stopped and turned around. “Want me to go get them?”
I looked at the coffee, then back at Logan, sheepishly. He seemed to get the message. He turned back around, and walked to the bathroom, found my bikini and brought it back to me. I sipped the coffee as I waited.
“Thanks,” I took them from his hand, smiled at him, then walked to the bathroom. I changed back into my cold bikini, put the shirt on over, and walked back out. Logan wasn’t there, he must have went to get a change of clothes for me. I sat down on the couch, sipping my now barely warm coffee. Two minutes later, he came back with a tank top and a pair of sports shorts.
“My moms shorts won’t fit you, she’s, uh, larger than you a bit. You have a smaller waist. So I found a pair of adjustable shorts of mine. That okay?” Logan looked worried, like I’d get mad that his moms’ shorts won’t fit.
“No, that’s fine. I don’t mind.” Again, I took the clothes from his hands then went back to the bathroom to change into them. I had to tighten the shorts a bit so they wouldn’t fall down. I walked back out with his shirt on my arm. The tank top fit me well enough, I guess. Not like I’ll be wearing this all day, right? “I’ll be back soon.” I reached up, kissed his cheek them walked out the door.
I showered as fast as I could, but I still took about 20 minutes, because I needed to shave and wash my hair clean of the chlorine. I changed into a stylish but comfortable outfit. Faded jeans, and a strapless black hex vest. I dried my hair and put it up, then I put on my stud let, and my supra vaiders. Once I was done, I checked out myself in the mirror. I nodded to myself. I sprayed on some soft body mist and walked out my door. I wanted to look nice, what was the harm in that?
As I walked past the kitchen, I caught Sara and James in a close embrace. She was leaning against the counter with James’ arms wrapped around her. They were talking quietly. James chuckled as Sara giggled. I walked up behind James and Sara saw me approach. She smiled at me with her eyes, then turned her attention back to James. I snuck up behind James, then yelled, “HEY, JAMES!” Both James and Sara jumped, even though Sara knew I was coming.
James turned around and smiled at me. “Hey, Anna. What’s with the trying to scare us?”
I shrugged. “I just felt like it.” I heard the front door open and close.
Logan rounded the corner. I winked at him and smiled. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw James and Sara break apart.
“Hey, thought I might come over here for a change.” Logan leaned against the counter next to Sara. She looked at him, then scooted slightly away. Logan didn’t notice.
“Hey, Logan.” Both Sara and James said in unison.
“So what’s the plan for today? Logan and I were thinking of going to the beach.” I asked the three silent people standing before me.
“The beach sounds good, we can go tonight and have like a small bonfire. We can invite Carlos and Kendall too. Maybe Jamie and Vanessa, too.” Sara immediately suggested. Her and her ideas..
“Sounds like a good idea! I’ll text Jamie and Vanessa to see if they can. James, can you call Carlos? Logan, can you call Kendall? Please?” I set to work planning.
“Hey now, who said we agreed on this?” James raised an eyebrow.
“Yeah! Maybe we just want the four of us?” Logan took James’ side, great.
“And why deny the chance for Carlos and Kendall? What about Jamie and Vanessa?” I crossed my arms and glared at both of them.
“Okay, okay! We give in! We’ll call them in a bit.” James raised his arms in surrender. I relaxed my gaze and smiled. I took my phone out of my back pocket and walked a few feet away.
“Hey, what can I do?” Sara was still leaning against the counter. I turned back towards her.
“Hmm... You can see if we have any of the stuff to make s’mores. Check the cabinets over there, and the pantry.”