Trust the Instinct


“Get to school, Lexi!” I heard my Grandmother call from downstairs, “You’re going to be late!”

“Whatever,” I muttered as I was getting charged, feeling fresh after taking a nice shower. I turned one my TV as I walked into my closet and started to pick out an outfit, listening to the news talk about the dead body that two bodies had found in the woods last night.

“Lexi, you’re going to be late!” my Grandmother repeated and I growled and looked at my watch.

“School doesn’t start for another hour, you old bat!” I snapped and then shook my head and continued on digging through my closet.

“It’s your first day, Lexi-“

“Gram, relax, I’m not going to be late!” I barked as she walked into my room and saw that I had a towel wrapped around my body.

“Listen young lady, if you’re going to be living here, you’re not going to be giving me any sass! If your mother was here-“

“What?” I asked as I stopped my Grandmother from talking, “What would she do, Gram? Yell at me? Ground me? Well she’s not here to do any of that!”

“Lexi, I didn’t mean it-“

“Whatever,” I muttered and heard my Grandmother sigh.

“I’m just worried about you,” she said and I heard her walk further into my room. She sat down on my bed, “I don’t want you to turn out like your parents.”

“Gram, nothing is going to happen to me, I’m nothing like them,” I said and then heard my Grandmother get up and walk over towards me.

“We’re all we have, Lexi,” my Grandmother said and then hugged me.

“I know,” I said and then watched as she pulled away.

“Why don’t you wear that?” she said as she pointed towards the yellow sundress in my closet.

“Ick, Gram, I’m riding my bike today, I can’t wear a dress,” I said and then heard my Gram sigh.

“I wish you would get rid of that thing,” she said and I smirked and shook my head.

“Uncle Joe and I built her, I’m not going to get rid of my bike,” I said as I picked out a pair of my skinny jeans, my combat boots, a nice grey tank and then grabbed my leather jacket. I blow dried my hair and put some hairspray in it so that when I took my helmet off when I got to school, it didn’t look like a mess.


“I made some pancakes,” Gran said as she called up the stairs.

“All right,” I said as I grabbed my backpack and started to walked down the stairs. I looked at my watch and saw that I had about a half hour until school started, so I should probably leave so that I had enough time to find my locker and classes, considering I was just starting this year.

“Eat Lexi!”

“All right,” I laughed and then grabbed two pancakes and shoved them in my mouth as I grabbed my bike keys and helmet as I headed towards the door.

“Young lady, where are your manners?!” my Grandmother asked as I waved bye to her and I was out the door.

I opened the garage, walked my bike out, closed the door and sat myself on the seat, placing he key in the ignition and then adjusting my backpack. I took a deep breath before placing my head phones in my ears, turning my music on shuffle and then placed my helmet on. It took a few seconds for my music to start, giving me enough time to hear the sweet sound of my Kawasaki Ninja 250r engine.


“Have a nice day, Lexi!” I heard and then gave one last wave before kicking off and heading down the driveway, onto the street and then towards school.

It was a nice drive to school; although, when I was at a red light, this silver Porsche pulled up next to me, rolled down the window and the boy inside, looked to be my age, and rolled his eyes at me. I shook my head, ‘…Obviously he’s never seen a girl ride a motorcycle before…’ I pulled into the school parking lot and was sad to see that Porsche follow me, ‘…You’ve got to be kidding me, he’s a student?...’

I watched as another kid on a bike pulled up next to the Porsche to hook up his bike, the kid in the car made a nasty remark and I shook my head, “Asshole.”

I cut the engine to my bike and then balanced myself as I gathered all of my things, as I took my helmet off, I could hear murmurs, feel people’s eyes on me. A car door slammed to me left and I looked to see another kid walking in a hurry, but when he saw me, he nearly tripped over his own feet, ‘…All righty then…’

I got off of my bike and started to head towards the school, I past the boy how tripped over himself and the other boy who rode his bike to school, they were talking about wolves and I caught a glimpse of bike boy lifting his shirt to reveal a wound, ‘…That’s freaky…’

I walked into the school and headed towards my homeroom class, pulling the slip of paper that I received a week ago with the list of my classes and homeroom. I was already given a tour of the campus by the Principal when I arrived into the town to move in with my Grandmother.

I walked into homeroom, saw that there were some people there, I found a seat in the back corner of the classroom threw my backpack on the ground, placed my helmet on the desk and sat down. I had to wait until homeroom began to find out where my locker was going to be. As soon as I laid my head on top of my helmet, I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I picked my head up to see a good looking boy smirking towards me, I sighed and then shook my head, “Not interested.”

“I’m gay,” he said plainly and I smirked and then picked my head back up and looked at him, surprised on how opened his was, “Sorry, figured that would be the only way you would talk to me.”

“Is your name ‘gay’ or is that what you are?” I smirked and turned in my seat to look at him.

“Name’s Danny,” he said and then held out his hand, “You’re new here?”

“Yeah, Lexi,” I said and he smirked as I took his hand and we shook.

“Saw you ride in, nice bike,” he said and I thanked him, “Though my friend drives a Porsche so-“

“Ah, yes, I saw Mr. Porsche man on my way in,” I said and he smirked.

“Yeah, Jackson will leave an impression,” he said and I snorted and rolled my eyes, “So where ya from?”

“New York,” I said and he looked a little impressed.

“Now I see where the bike came from,” he said and I smirked and nodded my head.

“It’s a mad house trying to drive a car there,” I said and Danny shrugged his shoulders.

“Never been there, wouldn’t know. Just know what I see in the movies,” he said and I smirked and nodded my head.

“You’re not missing much, the movies hit it pretty well,” I laughed and then heard a ruler slam against the desk really hard and it made me jump a little.

Danny laughed a little, “Don’t mind Mrs. M, she does that a lot, likes to make sure our hearts are working.”

“Well, I appreciate the thought, but mine is fully functional,” I said and Danny smirked.

“So what classes are you taking?” Danny asked and I pulled out my schedule and handed it to him, “Nice, we’re in a lot of the same classes.”

“Really?” Danny nodded his head, “Cool, so what’s the best thing to do for free period?” I asked seeing as I had a free last period.

“I play lacrosse, so most of the players have a free period and that’s when we have a little practice, or you can just go home earlier,” he said and I looked at him confused.

“Lacrosse? What’s that?” I asked and he looked at me horrified.

“You don’t know what lacrosse is?” he asked.

“Hence the reason I’m asking you what it was,” I laughed a little and he rolled his eyes, ‘…He doesn’t seem really that gay, not the stereotypical squeaky voice and drama queen attitude, not like all the ones I met in New York…’

“Damn, ok, you should watch during free period!” he said and I smirked, rolled my eyes and nodded my head, “It’s only the best sport ever!”

“I would think that my old school’s football team would disagree with that,” I said and Danny waved me off, ‘…I like him, he’s funny…’

“Yo, Danny,” we heard and turned our heads to see the boy that got out of the Porsche walking towards us.

“Oh Jackson, hey, what’s up?” Danny asked and Jackson sat in front of him and looked at me, “This is Lexi.”

“Motorgirl?” he asked and I rolled my eyes.

“And I already have a nickname,” I snorted and Danny laughed.

“She’s never heard of lacrosse,” Danny said and I sighed.

“You’re going to make a big deal out of this, aren’t you?” I asked and Danny smirked.

“Duh!” he said and I laughed and shook my head.

‘…Looks like I found one friend so far…’ I thought as I looked at the Porsche boy, Jackson, ‘…Maybe not him, he’s got douche written all over him…’