Status: Things may change, this is my first Pete story so please comment and tell me your opinion! :)

If the Sun Burns Out Tonight

"I Only Sing Sad Songs"

I parked in the dimly lit parking lot of a club. The glowing sign hanging on the outside of the door said "the Klub."
Oh great, I thought to myself as I took in the shitty little building, Danny did it again. Danny was sort of my manager I guess you could say. He was one of my oldest guy friends from high school; he was tall and lanky with short red hair, freckles, and dark blue eyes. I opened my phone to call him.
“Hey it’s Danny I’m not here so leave me a message you fuck.”
I laughed at his drunken answering machine.
“Hey asshole, you booked me another shit club and I’m firing you,” I laughed “just kidding. Call me when you can.”
I flipped my phone down and put it into my pocket and got out my car grabbing my purse and keys. I walked into the tiny club and went straight to the bar.
“Hi, I’m looking for Frank,” I said to the bartender with hot pink hair and boobs in her neck. She smacked her gum at me and gave a fake smile, pointing to a door near the little stage in the front of the poorly packed club. I turned around to walk to the door and bumped right into someone. I looked up and saw a guy not much taller than me. He had black hair and brown eyes lined with messy eyeliner. He just stared down at me.
“Sorry about that,” I said, but all he could do was stare. I walked around him and walked to the door to go backstage. I walked in and saw an old, fat, bald man who I was guessing was Frank the owner.
“Ahhh! You must be Effie!” he yelled over the music playing in the club. “You’re just in time!”
I saw my guitar player, Mason, tuning his guitar on a grimy looking sofa, he looked up when Frank said my name and smiled at me. Mason was taller than Danny and he towered over me. He had shaggy brown hair and brown eyes to match, he was also very muscular.
“Hey Effie,” he said standing up with his guitar strapped on “I just finished tuning, you ready?”
I put my bag down “As I’ll ever be, you know I get nervous when you ask that!” I slugged him in the shoulder. He laughed as the room of the club went quiet as Frank introduced Mason and me.
We walked onto the stage to halfhearted clapping and I saw the guy I had ran into sitting at a table with two other guys. Eyeliner Boy was still staring and it made me even more nervous than I already was. I sat on the stool near the mic and adjusted it, clearing my throat.
“This is uhh an original song I wrote, “I said into the now half empty club “it’s called It’s Killing Me. So here it goes.”
*insert lyrics here*
As I finished singing everyone started clapping. I could see Eyeliner Boy clapping, but still staring.
After we finished a few songs Mason had to leave to meet his girlfriend and also my best friend in the entire world, Sarah, for dinner. Sarah had been my best friend since birth. She was very pretty with long black hair and warm brown eyes. I couldn’t wait to see her again.
“Tell her I need to see her like soon!” I told him as he got his guitar all packed in its case.
He laughed “I will, I will.”
We said our goodbyes and I made my way to the bar and got a coke, being nineteen really did suck. I could only get drinks at the clubs when Danny was with me to buy them. I drank my coke and turned to see Eyeliner Boy.
“Can I help you?” I asked kind of annoyed.
“I’m sorry about earlier,” he said smiling with pearly whites. “I was just really surprised to see such a beautiful girl in this shit hole.”
I laughed a little at his flirting; he looked a bit older than me with a few tattoos on his arms.
“Well I’m only here to sing,” I said smiling a little.
“That was really great by the way,” he said. “Did you really write that?”
I nodded.
“Why was it so sad?” he asked with a worried look on his face.
“I only sing sad songs,” I said looking into his dark eyes.
He looked serious and then I laughed.
He laughed, “You’re funny. I like that.”
“Well, I should really get going,” I said and got up.
“But you didn’t say what your name was,” he said smiling leaning on the band.
“You didn’t say yours either,” I shrugged laughing.
“Pete. Pete Wentz,” he said holding out his hand.
“Effie Greene,” I said taking his hand smiling.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay! I have a few things to say!
Firs off sooooo sorry it took me so long to update, I started college so I've been very busy with work!
Second thing I wanted to say keep in mind that this is around the time when Fall Out Boy was just being thought of so like 2001 era!
I'm gonna try and update more often cause I have some ideas! :)
Also sorry for Effie's song not having lyrics I didn't have any inspiration, but you will hear it later!
What do you guys think will happen next? :D
Thank you all for reading!