Status: Possibly triggering. Dont read if triggered easily. But other than that enjoy!!

Sex in a Stereo.

What's Wrong With Me?

I sat in the cafe a while longer...I just didnt understand. HE didnt even explain to me what happened. Last night was perfect....I walked out of the cafe and headed toward the bus. By the time I got back my eyes were red from crying and the bus was ready to go. I walked onto the bus. Jack was sitting right inside on the couch with Zack beside him. Jack didnt even look at me. He just kept watching the TV on the wall. But Zack did look up at me. It looked like he was going to say something but a shook my head a little. I didnt really feel like talking.
Walking back to my bunk I slowly slipped off my shoes. Rian was still on his bunk. I slowly sat on my bunk. It was sort of hard because it was right below Zack's. I opted to lay instead. I looked at the bottom of Zack's bunk. I was in a daze. Why was this happening? Was it all my fault? Wasn't I good enough for Jack?
"Alex?...You okay?" Rian looked at me. Concern was in his voice.
"Yeah Rian. Just fine." I faked a smile and hoped my eyes weren't too bad. I didnt need anyone to know I was crushed.
"Bullshit. I know when something is up with you. What's going on? Did you find Jack?"
"Yeah...I found him." I looked over at Rian then looked back up.
"What happened?" He asked me slowly.
"He...Broke up with me." I looked back to Rian so I could see his expression. He looked worried.
"Oh my god. Alex? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine. Really. You don't have to be worried. It's not that big a deal." Lie. I hoped he would shrug it off though.
"Well okay. Just know I'm here for you. You can talk to me if you want."
"Okay. That's fine. Thanks."
"Anyway....You want to come eat?"
"No...I'm not really hungry. I'll be here."
Rian walked away to go get some food. I was just glad to be alone for a bit...I wanted to figure out why I wasnt good enough....