Status: One shot for a contest!

Cowboy Casanova

Gives you feelings that you don't want to fight..

You better run for your life..

Michael had been eyeing her all night from across the bar. The way her long sleeve plaid shirt stopped just above her navel and her jeans hugging her in all the right places. Her brown curls bouncing underneath her cowboy hat had him mesmerized.

"Hags, check out that girl over there," He nudged Carl, pointing in the direction of the mystery girl.

All the guys knew that Michael had quite the track record. He could get at least five girls to go home with him on any given night. All he had to do was bat those long eye lashes and give them his signature smile and they were puddy in his paws.

"You should go dance with her," Rick suggested as he too watched the girl on the dance floor.

Country line dances weren't Michael's forte but bedding a country girl was a thing he was up for. He tipped his hat as he disappeared into the sea of plaid.

He was stopped by at least a dozen girls all asking to dance or for a picture but he never let them distract him from what he really wanted.

With each girl that grinded on him, his eyes never left hers.

Dani had her eye on a curly black haired cutie dancing with anything in tight jeans and a big ass. She knew who he was, defenseman for the New York Rangers by day and professional ladies man by night.

But Dani felt herself being drawn to him as tried not to stare at him to long. She tossed her finished drink in the trash and danced with the closet guy to her. She watched as he left the blonde and weaved through the crowd.

"How about a dance cowboy?" she asked, sounding smoother than she felt.

"Line dances aren't my thing," he said downing the rest of his beer.

She ignored his comment, taking him by the hand and dragging him out onto the dance floor. Michael wanted her and would do what he had to to get her.

"Bad hips?" she asked, doing the hitch step to good times as he struggled a little in his tight jeans.

He chuckled and copied the moves she was doing, not as good but he was enjoying the view.

When the song came to an end, he disappeared into the crowd shoving his way to the jukebox to play another song that he wouldn't have to know how to dance to.

They locked eyes as Dani mouthed the words to the song he selected. He smirked as he watched her shake her hips back and forth as his eyes locked on her backside.

Michael was fighting the urge to lick his lips as he came up behind her, grabbing onto her hips as she rocked them back and forth to the music.

He pressed himself into her more as she turned around to face him, her hips still swaying as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

She had a sly smile that matched his, "Dani."


That was all they said until the song ended, taking her by the hand and leading her to the bar.

"What's your poison?"

"Budlight," she ordered for herself as the bartender popped the top off and handed it to her.

"Make that two," Michael took the outstretched bottle from the bartender as he leaned against the bar.

"So what brings you here?"

"It's my friends birthday," she pointed to a girl near the dance floor with a fruity drink in her hand and a couple of guys around her. "What brings you here?"

"Celebrating a win."

"I saw the game, you guys deserve it," she smirked as Michael nearly choked on his beer. Dani set her bottle down as she headed back out into the mass of moving bodies.

Michael slipped his hand in her back pocket, turning her around to face him. Dani was caught off guard and slightly turned on at the same time.

"You are unbelievably beautiful," he whispered, his eyes sparkling.

Although the song wasn't the slowest, Dani found herself rocking back in forth in sync with the dark haired beauty. His hands moved down to her butt as the pace and heat between them increased.

Just as he was about to lean in for a kiss, Dani pulled away and disappeared. She needed another drink, things were getting too hot too fast. She ordered another Budlight and waited in line for the jukebox.

She watched as Michael ordered a drink and found his friends again.

She was sure they were talking about her, mostly because they kept looking over at her. She sipped her drink as she gave the boys a small wave.

Before she even finished her drink, Dani ordered another one, this time a rum and coke. Michael was still talking to his friends who continued to look over at her.

She was feeling warm and fuzzy inside as she made her way over to Michael and his friends. "Hey guys," she smiled.

The guys all greeted her as he grabbed onto her sides and led her to the dance floor. This song was faster and she found herself leaning against him with her arms wrapped around his neck, backside pressed into him and his hands roaming all over her body.

Dani was getting hot in all kinds of ways as he ran his hands up and down her sides before squeezing her hips.

She turned around to face him, slipping her hands into his back pockets.

He smirked at her, watching her sway back and forth. Just as he was about to move his hands from her hips to her butt, she turned away from him.

It was her turn to smirk as he ordered himself a drink and took a seat at the bar, watching her shake every part of her body.

"Damn girl," he kissed her when she inserted herself between his legs. She pressed down on his thighs as she went in for another kiss.

"I know all about you Del Zotto," she winked taking the beer from his hand.

"But I don't know anything about you."

She shrugged, taking another drink from his beer before handing it back. Michael couldn't help but think there was something different about this girl compared to the other girls he was with.

Michael watched another guy come up to Dani and start dancing with her, but the same way Michael had been. His hands all over her body, grazing her boobs and even toughing her ass.

Michael couldn't stand it, she was his, sort of, and he wasn't going to sit back and watch her with another man. "Hey buddy," he tapped the other guy on the shoulder.

"Can you get your filthy mitts off my girl?" Michael looked pissed and Dani was enjoying every second of it.

"Or what?" he shoved Michael and that was it. The guy was shorter and probably not as strong but he didn't care. Michael's fist connected with the smaller guys face and he dropped to the ground.

"Now why don't you do that on the ice?" she asked, a shit eating grin on her face.

Michael ignored her comment, "What do you say we drop the gloves and go at it?" Michael whispered in her ear.

He took her hand and pulled her through the crowd, trying to get out of there as soon as possible. He shot his friends, who was cracking up at what their teammate just did, a thumbs up and pulled Dani through the back exit.

Just as she was about to say something, his lips came crashing down onto hers. His lips were soft despite how hard he was kissing her.

He pushed her up against the car, his hands grabbing onto whatever they could find. If it was allowed he probably would have taken her clothes off right there. His hands lightly squeezed her breasts as she quietly moaned into their kiss.

"I want you," Michael whispered placing kisses along her collarbone.

"Michael," she breathed as his hands made their way between her thighs.

"Babe, let's go back to my place," he continued kissing and nibbling on her neck.

"I promise I'm good for more than just a one-timer," she winked scribbling her number down on his large hand.
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For the NHL Artist Contest, I hope you enjoy it :)