Gun Moll


“Grandmother has way too much shit in this apartment.” My sister, Ester, mutters as we walk into our grandmother’s crowded Boston apartment. “No wonder she fell and broke her hips.” She kicks a few boxes out of her way and she makes her way into the kitchen. I just roll my eyes as I look around at her walls; all of them are decked with Wanted Posters ranging from Clyde Barrow to John Dillinger.

Just as my eyes fall upon the John Dillinger poster, I feel a presence behind me, “you think there are a bit of truth to Grandmother’s story?” I hear my sister ask me. “The stories where she was involved with Dillinger.”

I turn around and look at her with a smile, “by the time Grandmother told us those stories, she was an old senile woman. There could have been truth behind it but do you really think she would get involved with a man like John Dillinger?”

“He could have been a completely different guy behind the scenes,” she points out, kicking a box to the side, before walking over to me. “She could have fallen in love with him and not what he did.”

“I don’t get how girls can fall for these kind of guys.” I say in disugst as I look at the mug shots. “Bonnie Parker got killed because her involvement with Clyde Barrow. There were never an evidence that showed she even held a gun and knew how to use it.”

“She died for love.” My sister points out, a smile on her lips. Between the two of us, Ester is more of the romantic than I was. I’m cynical and cold when it came to love; one too many heartbreaks I suppose.

“She died because she was too stupid to get out before it got bad.” I mutter before Ester and I begin to start packing up my Grandmother’s apartment and ship it off to California where she’s going to live with our mother and step-father after she’s released from the hospital.


“So you’re almost done with school, aren’t you?” Ester asks over Chinese Take-Out. “What are you doing once you’re free of Emerson?”

“I’ve already got a job offer at a newspaper in Chicago.” I smile distantly as I begin to play with my shrimp fried rice.

“You don’t look happy, baby sister.” She notes, “what’s wrong?”

“Being a senior in college is setting in.” I chuckle, “leaving Boston is scaring the shit out of me. It’s been my home for 24 years, I can’t bare to leave it.”

“Boston has nothing for you, you were always the dreamer of the family.” Ester chuckles, “seriously Giselle, Chicago has more to offer you than Boston. You need to get out before you’re stuck here like me.”

“Ester, are you regretting on getting married and having kids?” I ask, never knowing how my sister truly felt about her love life.

“I regret not getting out and seeing the world before I settled down.” She explains with warily eyes, the same look she got whenever she lied to our parents.

“So you’re going to live vicariously through me, huh?” I chuckle. “You’ll come and visit me, won’t you?”

“Of course.” She smiles before leaning over our food and pulling me into a hug, “you’re my baby sister, the mafia couldn’t even keep me away from you…”
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