Status: Formerly 'The Path of Self Destruction.' Sorry, I changed the name again ;p

Even the Sun Sets in Paradise

'I'm Gonna Be Making Sure He's Waiting On You Hand and Foot'

I spent the majority of the day sleeping, getting some much needed rest before work. Mel was on a mission to get me thinking positive. As usual, she had made me feel a lot better. Despite the fact that everything else was messed up, my pregnancy was actually going fairly well. God, it still felt weird saying that. I’d suffered from morning sickness a bit, but it wasn’t a huge problem. I felt exhausted but thankfully had plenty of time to rest. The fact that Ellis, Auntie Julie, Uncle Dave, Mel, Cyrus and Rowan were all running round after me made things so much easier. I still hadn’t told anyone at work about being pregnant, but I figured it might be better to get settled there before I dropped the bombshell. To be honest, I wasn’t sure I’d need a long time off work. Since I was only working Saturdays and Thursday evenings, and it wasn’t exactly strenuous, the baby wouldn’t cause too much trouble.

Mel took me out baby shopping the next day. We browsed through all the cute baby clothes and furniture, and Mel insisted on buying me several pregnancy and baby name books. I think she was more excited about it that I was. At this rate, I wouldn’t even have to look after the baby because Mel would be stealing it away at every opportunity. After a nice lunch in a café on the seafront, we went to the salon to get a massage. Once again, Mel insisted on paying. I think she still felt bad from our argument, bless her. I was so grateful and it made me feel much more relaxed and calm. While I was in such a good mood, I thought it might be a good time to talk about Layton. Mel was level headed, and I was certain she’d know exactly what to do.
“I think you guys need to sit down together and talk,” she suggested.
“Right now, I can’t even bear to look at him.”
“That’s understandable. He’s a dick for not telling you straight away, but you’ve gotta talk to him at one point or another.”
“Why have I?” I asked simply.
“Because he’s in the band, you’re going to see him all the time, not to mention once the baby’s born. That’s if he’s not behind bars.”
“Wait, you don’t seriously think he’s going to want anything to do with the baby?”
“Well yeah, he is the father.”
“Oh please, anyone can get a girl pregnant. He’s always out partying, he fucks anything that moves, he’s a drug addict, and he spends most of his life drunk. I’m not comfortable with him or even Cyrus around the baby to be honest. Besides, they’re wannabe rock stars; a baby isn’t exactly part of the rock star image.”
“That’s why you need to talk to him.” I sighed, wondering how this was ever going to work. Maybe Layton did technically have a right to see his child, but I refused to let my baby be subjected to anything like that. I was determined to be a better mother than my own, although that wasn’t exactly difficult.
“What would I say though?” I asked Mel.
“Ask him if he wants to be part of the baby’s life. If he says no; fuck him. If he says yes, you tell him to get some help for his…problems,” she said simply.
“I guess so.”
“Ideally, would you rather him be on the scene or not?” she wondered.
“I don’t know actually. In a way, it would be quite nice to have someone around. I know I’ve got you and everyone at home which I’m super grateful for, but it would maybe be nice to have someone go through it with me. But on the other hand, I think Layton would be more hassle than he’s worth. I can’t exactly see him being supportive,” I frowned, pausing for a moment, “But then I think about how crappy I feel about never having a dad around. I don’t think I’ll ever get over the feeling of rejection. I can’t bear the thought of this happening all over again. What about Layton though? Like can’t he go to prison for this?”
“Well I don’t know,” Mel sighed, shaking her head, “Obviously because he’s over eighteen and you’re under sixteen, that’s illegal and shit…but he didn’t know how old you were at the time. It’s not like he raped you or anything. But don’t you worry, things usually work themselves out in the end. You’ve had more than your fair share of bad luck, so it’s about time something went in your favour.”

When I got home that evening, Ellis was writing songs in his room. I knew he must be upset, because he hid away in his room when he was.
“What’s up?” I asked casually, gently pushing open the door.
“Nothing, you?” he muttered as I sat down next to him.
“I’m alright,” I smiled, “You still mad about this morning?”
“Yep,” he sighed, smirking.
“Me too.”
“I don’t blame you. I’m just so annoyed. I know he’s a bit rough round the edges but he’s my best friend and I never thought he’d do something like that.”
“In fairness, he didn’t know I was your cousin, or that I was fifteen.”
“Jenna, why are you sticking up for him?” he chuckled, eyeing me suspiciously.
“Shit. I don’t know,” I frowned, confused at myself.
“You freak, you,” he laughed, giving me a hug, “So what’s the deal with you guys? Are you together or what?”
“No!” I said quickly, “Are you stupid?”
“Sorry!” he joked, holding his hands up in defeat, “But do you think he’s gonna be around for the baby and stuff?”
“I don’t know,” I shrugged.
“He better. I’m serious; I’m gonna be making sure he’s waiting on you hand and foot,” he said sternly.
“Aww, you cutie,” I blushed, nudging him gently and smiling.
“I’m serious.”
“I know you are.” I still wasn’t sure what I wanted though; Layton didn’t seem like he’d be a good father, but was a bad father better than no father at all? On the plus side, I did still have months to work it all out, so I figured it was best not to get worked up about it.
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Wooooow, I'm shockingly bad at updating, sorry guys. I've been so busy recently but I am trying to update more regularly.

Ella xx