Status: Formerly 'The Path of Self Destruction.' Sorry, I changed the name again ;p

Even the Sun Sets in Paradise

'Just Like Her Mummy'

After spending an hour at the shop, Sally and Brianne finally let me leave. I didn’t mind that other people loved her so much. If anything, it made me even more proud of Brooklyn. I loved the fact that everyone fussed over her. Mel and I decided to go to the café for a drink. We hadn’t spent proper time together in ages so we needed a good catch-up.
“How are you feeling? Honestly?” Mel asked as we sat down at a booth in the far corner, hidden away from the rest of the café.
“Happy, my god, I haven’t been this happy in forever,” I grinned, staring down at my beautiful daughter.
“Are you worried?” she asked. A nervous smile played on my lips; she knew me better than I thought.
“Maybe,” I admitted.
“What are you worried about?”
“I just…I want to be a good mum to her, you know. I love her to pieces and I’m scared because so far, it’s been so easy, but it’s not going to be like this all the time. It’s terrifying to think this child’s life is in my hands. I feel like I have to protect her from everything. I don’t want her to ever get hurt.” Mel reached her arm out and took my hand in hers.
“I know. That’s normal Jenna, but I swear to you, you’re going to be an amazing mum. That’s obvious already. I know you’ll protect her from everything you can, but there are some things that you can’t protect her from and that’s not your fault.”
“But I want to,” I argued, feeling tears form in my eyes. I blinked them back, desperate not to let myself fall apart.
“I know, and for now you can, but she’s going to make her own mistakes and I know it’s hard to accept that, but just because she gets upset from time to time, it doesn’t mean you’ve failed her as a parent.”
“What about Layton though? I don’t want him anywhere near her when he’s been drinking or taking stuff. I don’t want her in that kind of environment.”
“Yeah that’s fine sweetie. I’m sure he understands that. Layton has his issues but he’s a good guy and I’m sure he respects that you don’t want Brooklyn in that kind of environment. He won’t be unreasonable.”
“I hope not. He loves her so much; I can see that. I just don’t want Brooklyn ever finding out about the drugs. I hope he stops before she’s old enough to suspect something.”
“I’m sure he will. You’ve got years until she’ll start getting curious so you don’t need to worry. Focus on right now and the beautiful little girl you have.”
“She is beautiful,” I smiled, gently tickling her stomach as she lay in her pram. I picked up one of her toys and waved it a few centimetres away from her face. She flapped her hands around, trying to hit it and Mel and I smiled.
“Just like her mummy,” Mel grinned.
“Do you think George is up to something?” I asked suddenly. The thought had been playing on my mind non-stop, and I couldn’t contain my curiosity any longer.
“No, of course not,” Mel reassured, but I could swear I noticed her hesitate before she said that. She didn’t believe a word that was coming out of her own mouth.
“You haven’t heard from him at all?” she questioned.
“No, but I don’t think that’s a good thing. He swore he’d get revenge, and I know he won’t stop until he’s got it,” I felt panic rise in my chest as I recalled his chilling words on the phone, the words that haunted my nightmares.
“I wish someone would fucking murder that guy,” she whispered, “I know it’s a horrible thing to say but my god does he deserve it.”
“I know.”
“Have you told anyone else about the phone calls?”
“Okay,” she sighed, “I know it’s tough because who knows what he’s capable of, but I really think you are going to be okay. He’s in a high security prison. There is no way he’ll be getting out of there anytime soon.”
“But what about his friends? What about that guy on the porch?”
“That guy on the porch, I’ll never forget his face so I’d know him if I saw him, and I swear to you, I haven’t seen him since that day. Maybe George got scared and gave up, or maybe that guy refused to help him anymore, who knows?”
“I really doubt that. George doesn’t just give up.”
“Jenna, there are very few people in this world who are as sick and twisted as George. Clearly, George has some dodgy contacts, but I doubt he knows anyone who would go to the same lengths he did. He’d get found out anyway. They watch his every move in there.”
“But he managed to ring me on more than one occasion. If he can do that, god knows what else he can do,” I sighed. Mel was silent for a minute, mentally going over everything. She didn’t know what to say to make me feel better, but I didn’t think there was anything she could say to make me feel better. George was a monster and no one could change that.
“Sweetie, I can only imagine how hard this is for you, but you need to think positive. Focus on Brooklyn here, and as long as you stay with other people as much as you can, you’re going to be safe. He can’t exactly do much unless you’re by yourself.”
“True, I just hate feeling like I need to be baby-sat.”
“I know, but it’s better to be safe than sorry,” she concluded. After that, we moved onto a more cheerful topic, trying to take each other’s mind off of it. It worked a bit, but the fear was always there in the back of my mind. No matter what anyone said, Mel and I both knew that George was up to something, and we both knew he wouldn’t stop until he got his way.
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Chapter 45 of 50