Three's A Crowd?

Not so long ago, Gerard Way wasn't doing so great. Being depressed and bullied throughout his teenage years, he carried alot of thoughts and emotions in his head. Thoughts and emotion he could use elsewhere instead of in failing comics and cartoons he had been working on. So after 9/11 and getting some old friends together, when his band My Chemical Romance, finally began taking off, things were looking on up.

But with success, comes nerves, pressure, drugs and alcohol and Gerard learns the hard way that what goes up must come down. Soon it get's to the point where the band would be peaking pretty prematurely -until he meets a girl. A girl who seemed to make everything better.

What how hard will Gerard grasp onto the one piece of hope in his life? What if someone got in his way?

What is that someone was his own brother?
  1. Here We Go Again.
    "How does he drag me into doing these crazy shinanigans?"
  2. Pills, Skills And Shiny New Automobiles.
    "I need to go somewhere..."
  3. That's One Cute Little Sister You Got.
    "Oh...She's mine..."
  4. Could He Hear...
    ...A Baby Crying? What The ***?
  5. 'Stella, we should probably-'
    'Hey guys!'
  6. Dirty Secrets and New Chapters
    They're all talking about it.
  7. Iterrupted Introduction.
    "Just watch."
  8. 'Actually, we're talking.'
    'Oh, I think we're done.'