Status: I don't know how long it will be, i'm just gonna write it and see where it goes.


I woke to the sound of crows cawing and a thunderstorm rumbling somewhere in the distance. A sudden blast of icy air rushed through my open window, blowing the white curtains to either side of the frame. I yawned and stretched as black clouds blocked out the sun, smothering the land in shadows. The bright blue walls of my room turned more of a blue-gray; the candle in the Moroccan style lamp flickered out; the couch and its watercolor pillows looked faded, as it they were in a black and white photograph. The air was thick and tinted shades of green and gray. A tornado was coming. I live in Florida, or at least I did. Its kinda a long story. I had no idea that my "tornado" was nothing close to that. I also had no clue what I was getting my self into when I got into that car with a 15 year boy named Jack. Nothing that day was as it had seemed. In fact, nothing in my entire life, was what I had thought. So yeah, things changed for me that day, big time. But, who said I didn't like it?