Lips of Deceit


Zacky’s POV

I think my favorite thing is usually being the only one who didn’t drink the night before and waking up early to discover the morning after...

As I walked through Matt’s living room all I could think was how funny the scene before me was and how perfect of a time Matt’s mother, Lisa, chose to visit her sister...

Jimmy, Matt and Johnny were all completely naked, Brian was down to his boxers, Val was in her underwear and a t-shirt, Jaz was in jeans and her bra and Gin was stripped down to her Ninja turtles underwear and black bra... and I’m not going to lie, my eyes lingered on her far longer than needed as I studied her curves and the way her copper and violet hair fell into her face as she slept in the pile of bodies. I smirked slightly at the sight of “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” written across her rather nice rear. The girl had good taste in superheroes... I was always a TMNT kind of kid too.

Looking around, it was easy to see who was good, and who sucked at strip poker. To be completely honest, I wish Gin had been a bit worse at the game... She was really cute... But I couldn’t fall for her now, not after everything I’d defended to Larry... To even look at her in an interested was would encourage him, or make him think I’d taken him up on his offer... Beside, I didn’t want to fuel tabloids at all.

“If you’re going to stare at her, at least make some coffee while you do it, bro,” I heard Brian say as he shifted and stretched his arms.

“Shut up,” I smirked before walking over to the coffee maker. Ginger may want some too--- shit, give it up Zack, you can’t flirt with her.

“I don’t blame you, she is cute. Personally, I like her sister Jaz, but that’s just me,” he smiled.

“Yeah, explain that to Michelle,” I snickered.

“Ugh, don’t start on me... Besides, how will Val feel if I hurt her sister?” Brian said looking rather distressed.

“Dude. Val isn’t going to care... She knows you’re unhappy, you’re one of her best friends she wants you to be happy. Anyhow, Val knows Michelle is a bitch and can barely stand her either half the time. You have to take care of yourself dude and not worry what anyone else is going to think...” I said, setting the filter and brewing the coffee.

“Good advice, you should follow it...” he said, nodding towards Gin. “And don’t worry what Larry says...”

“Matt told you?” I asked.

“Yep,” he answered, starting to get mugs out of the cabinet above the sink before grabbing the milk and sugar.

“Well, it’s too complicated. I’m just going to stay away from her and not get into it... Besides, it’s not like I’ve really talked to her, I’m not attached to the chick or anything,” I said honestly. “She’s hot, that’s all...”
“Whatever dude... I give it two weeks, and you know why?” he asked as Matt mumbled something about needing to find his pants.


“Because, I have talked to her, I know you and dude... She’s perfect for you... That’s all I have to say.”

“Whatever,” I shrugged. “I guess we’ll see then, but it’s not going to happen...”

“What’s not happening?” Gin asked, walking over, clutching her head. “Dude, where the fuck are my pants?”

“I’m asking the same thing...” Jimmy mumbled as I made my exit, ignoring her question.

“What’s wrong?” I heard her ask Brian as I left.

“Nothing, don’t worry about him,” he said as I heard him grab for some aspirin to no doubt give to her.