Status: Completed.

Far from Home.

All These Problems Use Me As A Rope.

Emily sighed quietly as she looked at herself in the motel bathroom's mirror. She had avoided wearing makeup and jewelry at all costs. A few days beforehand, she'd gone out and purchased a Prussian Blue dress that approached her knee's. Black was a color she carefully maneuvered around ever since Lucy's funeral.

But today was going to be a day much like the funeral, almost. Today was court day. The day that Emily was going to see Brian for the first time in months. The day that Emily was going to lay eyes on the bastard that stole her daughters virtue and life.

She wasn't prepared, that was a fact. There was no telling just exactly what would happen when she walked into that courtroom and saw Brian. She didn't have the faintest idea on just exactly how she would react when the killer was bought before her and the jury.

Everything, at the moment, was like a puzzle to Emily. And she was stuck trying to fit all the pieces together before it was too late.

What she didn't know, however, was that it was already too late. She'd lost every bit of her sanity - Her mind was far gone. She'd lost her touch with reality the second she realized her life was empty and meaningless. No Lucy. No Brian. No one to hug and kiss, anymore. No one to come home to. It was very difficult to grow accustom to her new lonely life.

And she was still trying to get used to it.

Her phone went off and Emily glanced at it, seeing her alarm pop up, which meant that if she didn't leave right now, then she'd be late to the courthouse.

With a shaky sigh, Emily took her phone off the charger and made her way outside to her car, quickly getting in. The radio was left off, allowing an unnatural silence to consume the air.


Brian looked crisp in his newly purchased suit. He had stayed up all night, ironing everything perfectly down to his socks. This morning had been spent waxing his dress shoes until they shined.

He wore a freshly dried white button up, the top button remained open. He made sure all of his ink was covered up, other than his knuckles. Brian made the mental note of keeping his hands in his lap at all times.

Things were just... Out of understanding, today. Brian couldn't quite comprehend that he'd be seeing the killer for a second time. The same piece of shit - The same scum that had his hands all over Lucy, demoralizing her physically-

Brian shook his head as he gripped the edge of the bathroom counter, trying to pull himself together. His thoughts were swimming around the obscene moments of his life for the past seven months. Lucy going missing, the pictures of her, her autopsy reports, finding the box at Milton's, and finally - Emily leaving him.

At any moment, he felt like he was just going to explode.

The last few months had been an utter roller coaster of emotions for him. One minute, he was okay and smiling - Just a bit. And the next moment, he was rolling around in his own tears, trying to figure out where exactly he'd gone wrong in life.

After catching Milton, Brian had turned away from all the booze. Although, he did settle for a drink every now and then, but he hadn't been drunk, or even tipsy in a long while. Smoking, however, had dramatically increased because his nerves were just so strung out and worn. In fact, he'd dropped a few pounds since Emily left him.

Maybe the situation was taking a much larger toll on him than he had anticipated. Maybe this was too much for him to handle.


He knew for a fact that this was too much for him to handle.

But nonetheless, Brian grew tired of staring at his own poor reflection in the mirror. He quickly ran a brush through his hair, making sure it was perfectly parted down the middle and flat, before he walked into the living room. Seeing that it was almost ten in the morning, Brian sighed and made his way out of the house.

As soon as he got into his SUV, the mood became intensely glum. The wall that Brian had built with it's many cracks and holes slowly came crumbling down.

Today would begin the long trial process of truth, heartache, and worst of all: Trying to put a guilty man behind bars where he rightfully belonged. Brian had the gut feeling that Milton would try to worm his way out of it. Maybe play some sympathy story. Or maybe he'd just straight out lie about it. All he could hope, however, was that the jury saw through his bullshit.

Because if he was let loose, Brian knew he was going to march right back to Milton's house and beat the living shit out of him - He knew he'd probably be so blind with fury, that he just might... Kill him.


Emily was already sat in the courtroom, hearing the quiet murmurs of those around her. She sat in the very first row - No one sat on the same bench with her. Of course, the other benches were filled to the edge with people. Some she recognized, some she didn't.

She adjusted the hem of her dark blue dress and tried to relax herself, but it didn't work.

With a quiet sigh, Emily tucked a piece of stray hair behind her ear before looking ahead of her. The judge hadn't walked in yet, but the attorney's had. She was awaiting the arrival of the sick bastard who filthily defiled and killed her daughter.

The wooden double doors of the courtroom opened and everyone turned around, even Emily.

In walked the man who still, somehow, had her heart. He looked utterly sophisticated with his choice of clothing, yet the look on his face was sorrowful and somber. His dark brown eyes darted across the room, looking for a seat.

Once again, the mumbles started up and Emily didn't need two guesses to know what they were going on about. It was obvious that they were talking about the fact that both Brian and Emily had walked in completely separate. She briefly wondered if they had noticed she wasn't wearing her engagement ring anymore. Before her thoughts could give her away to the crowded courthouse, Emily put her right hand over her left, shielding her empty ring finger.

Brian forced a somewhat calming breathe through his lips as he approached Emily's bench. He hadn't even opened his mouth when he heard Emily's voice just barely speak up.

"Here," She patted the spot next to her, on her left,"Sit here, by me."

He didn't need to be told twice. Very carefully, he slid infront of her - Mindful of her high heels - And took the seat next to her. They exchanged very small smiles.

"What's going on?" Brian asked in a quiet tone that only Emily could hear.

She shook her head softly,"Nothing yet. The judge hasn't came out and neither has... You know."

Brian gave her a tight, straight lined smile - The one that told her he didn't know what to say, but that he shared the same emotional thoughts towards the sick fuck.

"How have you been?" Emily turned to look at him.

He shrugged. "I'm alive." Was all he could say. But his heart was tugging violently, telling him to just break down and cry - To tell her that he loved her with all of his heart and that he missed her so very dearly. That he hadn't had a decent nights sleep since she left, because he had nightmares about... Everything. She was his angel, his own little personal savior. Sure, every man said that but Brian meant it. He lived it.

"No, Brian," She sighed quietly and put her hand over his,"Really. How have you been? If it'll make you open up, I've been a complete mess. I had a dream about us a few nights ago, and I woke up crying for you. I tried to call you, but I was shaking so bad that I just couldn't get my fingers to type in my passcode."

Brian furrowed his eyebrows together, squeezing her hand,"If it was a dream, why were you crying, Em?"

"Because... Because Lucy was alive. She was playing and we were happy. But then you went outback and you didn't come in for a long time. Lucy and I went to check on you, and you were... Dead by the lake." She broke down on the last part and Brian immediately wrapped her in his arms, squeezing her tightly. He kissed her hair multiple times, using his right hand to stroke her back comfortingly.

"Sometimes, I wish it was me instead of Lucy. I'd give anything to have her alive-"

"No," Emily looked up at him and wiped away her tears,"I've already lost Lucy, I refuse to lose you, t-"

"All rise." The jury officer stated.

Emily and Brian dropped gazes and stood up, their hands linked together still. The judge made his way into the room and sat down - Everyone else mimicking his action. The courtroom was quiet for endless minutes before the doors opened, revealing Milton Harvey in a decent blue and white stripped dress shirt, khaki slacks, and dark brown dress shoes. His hair was slicked back and he wore absolutely no facial expression.

The cuffs around his wrists were nothing more than a symbol that he was in jail where he belonged, in Emily's mind.

Milton took a seat next to a lawyer and infront of what she assumed to be his family. Directly behind Milton sat an elderly couple - A woman and a man - Along with a man that seemed to be around Milton's age. His brother, perhaps?

"Brian," Emily tightened her grip on his hand when Milton had turned his head quickly, capturing Emily's observing yet curious gaze on him. His deep green eyes seemed to have a vice grip on her; She couldn't look away,"Brian, he's looking over here."

Brian hooked a finger under her chin. "Don't let him get to you. He's guilty, I know that for a fact."

Emily nodded softly and looked ahead at a man in a suit who was addressing the courtroom. She couldn't understand a single word he was saying for some reason, it all seemed so fuzzy to her. He soon sat down, and called the coroner - Dave Bramson - to the stand.

"Mr. Bramson, you examined the body of Lucy Allison Haner, correct?" The man asked; Emily couldn't figure out if the man was a lawyer on their side or on Milton's side.

Dave nodded,"Yes sir."

"Tell us - What did you find?"

And so began the telling of the story, in detail, that Emily thought she'd never hear again. The tears came quicker than she had anticipated, and she found herself clutching onto Brian's arm for what seemed like dear life.

This case was going to be the death of her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to update!
I've, seriously, been stalking the internet for crime charges and so forth.
Only to realize that I was planning the wrong chapter!
So, I had to hurry and get this out, with three minutes to spare before I had to get off.
Anyways, the next chapter will be VERY interesting, to say the least, so stay tuned.
I plan to wake up very early tomorrow to get it out, hopefully.
And this story is almost done, holy shit.
Comments are always welcome! xx