Status: Some language but not you haven't heard before

Another one bites the dust....

chapter 3

I didn’t’t know what to do; I was scared stiff and couldn’t’t move from my spot. I knew that if I went out to them on my own, I would be able to take my time and be able to form a plan to try and escape, but if didn’t go out on my own, his friends would come in and drag me out by force, and I wouldn’t have a chance to try and escape. I knew I had to make up my mind of what I was going to do, and very soon.
Just a few minutes later, while I was still in shock and trying to form some sort of a successful escape plan, two of George’s friends came onto the bus. One stood at the bus entrance, I looked at him and knew instantly who it was, Aiden! He was tall, very fit and well built and apparently handsome, from what I heard from all the girls in our school. This meant that his brother Ryan was with him. Ryan was much like Aiden but the only slight difference between the two brothers, was their hair and eye colour. Aiden had dark black hair and blue eyes, while Ryan had light chestnut hair and green eyes.
Ryan then started walking down to where I was still huddled in the corner, my knees shaking with fear now. Ryan was well known for his short temper! He once put a twelve year old boy in the hospital, for accidentally hitting him in the back of the head with a tennis ball. He broke the boy’s left arm, gave him a brain hemorrhage, broke his nose, both his feet and several of his fingers. That boy was in intensive care for a few weeks and is now spending the rest of his days eating through a straw and living in a wheelchair. So when Ryan stood in front of me I saw my life flash before my very eyes. “We can do this the easy way or the hard way freak! It’s your choice!” scared and not thinking logically I made a quick run to the back of the bus and trying desperately to get the emergency fire escape door open. I then with sudden realization heard a click coming from the door and when I pushed against it, the door swung open.